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πŸ”ͺπŸ’‰~Kia lore~πŸ”ͺπŸ’‰
04.03.2022 17:35
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Finally I got the time to write it!-
04.03.2022 17:45
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Kias p.o.v. I don’t remember much about my childhood. The only thing I knew is that my family never cared for me and abandoned me at the door step of an orphanage. I don’t remember the orphanage at all. But the place burned down years ago so I was back on the streets at that time I guess. A man found me and took me to this place. There were many other girls there too and they all had numbers on their wrists. I got my number too, I was 7,804. I thought I was the 7,000mand something girl he saved but later I realized that he saved us to use us. For the past 8 years they trained me to be an assassin. I didn’t see anything wrong with it at the time because I had a home and people who were doing the same thing I did. It felt like family to me. The last 3 of those years, they experimented with this weird goop creature and trying to get it to bond with us and be able to grow stronger and have more abilities. 67 girls died during those experiments. I was about to be 68 but the creature decided to bond with me.
04.03.2022 17:53
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They removed the number on my wrist and put the number under my left eye. I was now 001. I was referred to as 1 by everyone since I was the first to survive the experiment. My fighting abilities were better and I soon bonded with the creature and figured out that his name was algo. We both had a thing in common, we were both abandoned at some point in our lives. So we started trying to bind with all the other girls that had passed t he experiment but soon realized that they just hanged out with us to get the final shot while me and algo did all the work. We tried to find a true friend but no one really thought of it like that. So me and algo were the only people we could trust. Algo was mean a lot of the times but he never bothered me when we were working.
04.03.2022 17:58
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I became the best assassin the organization has had for years. Everyone envied me but I didn’t care. I decided at 18 I would go out into the world to live my own life but continue doing my assassin work. The leader gave me permission and I was out living my life. I made a few friends and found someone I loved. But.. I tend to forget how many enemies I make I end up loosing the people I love. I wanted to quit the Job but if I did, I would’ve been dragged back to the organization. I’m 20 now and I continue this assassin work and I have no one in my life but algo. From each kill I get a lot of money and I pay half to the organization and to orphanages when I get the chance. Life isn’t all that bad alone. I make someone friends but don’t hang around them long. I have to constantly move in between cities and countries but I don’t mind. This life is nice. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
04.03.2022 18:11
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this is cool!
04.03.2022 18:19
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