Light of Christmas
03.12.2021 01:06
Link*Cough Cough* Under rated Christmas song *Cough Cough*
03.12.2021 01:08
Linkmm yes also
made Awwfur part Deer/snowy owl
for reindeer games this December :D
Nobody: A amazing feature worthy drawing that could go into a art museum, made by my underrated inspiration who doesn’t seem to be getting many likes lately, because there not getting enough attention bc they need all the features and they don’t have all the features but they should still get all of the features.
Me: O w l f I n g e r s.
So I found out about this last year from a video pocari roo did about fun furry Christmas things.
So what it is, is you turn you (fur)sona into a deer for the month of December. (and if it's already a deer you make it something else).
But because my sona's a tribrid I just swapped out fox for deer and generic owl for snowy owl and kept the human bit :p