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Chapter 3 - Warrior's Thunder
26.01.2021 01:41
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Willowdusk became outraged. “Do you have a problem with me being a Kittypet? What about Leafclan and Meadowclan? Why do you think Teddypelt is so good and hunting and why me and Sleekshine have no front claws?” Her hackles raised and she stood up. Stingfoot hissed, and flattened his ears, “Teddypelt has helped us way longer than YOU’VE been a Clan cat.” He bounced up, getting ready in an attacking crouch. His claws were edging out, “How DARE you even talk about our elders like that, kittypet! You have no experience!” His tail slashed violently in the air, “You won’t even make it through winter.” A mummer of shock and gasps went through the small meeting. “Stingfoot-” Hivestar was cut off when he yowled and began to charge at Willowdusk. She hissed and jumped to the side. “She’s only been here longer because I wasn’t as ready as she was to give up everything!” She growled and launched herself at Stingfoot, grabbing him with her forelegs.
26.01.2021 01:41
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Stingfoot quickly got his feet launched and ready, and pounded them into her stomach with a huge Hghhgnnnnn! Mosspaw looked distressed, as he stepped back. It wasn’t long before Hivestar had joined the battle by pulling Willowdusk by the scruff, as if she was a bad kit, and roughly pulling her out of the battle. “That’s enough!” She dropped Willowdusk onto the wet ground. Willowdusk got up and growled as she wiped blood off of her bottom lip, glaring at them. The whole gathering was silent in awe at the fight. Everyone was haunched up, including the medicine cats. They edged on the idea of a battle in their minds, taking every flicker of a tail a threat.
26.01.2021 01:41
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“Mangledstar.” Mosspaw broke the silence and squeaked, “Why didn’t you stop the battle?” He looked at him, his eyes sparkling. He looked down at the little tom. “Because, I was waiting to see what happened. By my observation, Willowdusk is a better deputy than Stingfoot was. Sure, she got upset and argued, but Stingfoot was the one who deliberately attacked Willowdusk, despite the fact that we made an agreement to have a truce.” Hivestar nodded, “You’re quite wise, Mangledstar. I’m so sorry for my deputy.” She sunk her head down, showing how embarrassed she was, “He will face great punishment when we’re home.” Stingfoot opened his mouth, but then was silenced by Hivestar’s glare. Mangledstar nodded. “Willowdusk will be punished, too, but we should go on with this meeting.” Flutterstar nodded as well. “I agree.”
26.01.2021 01:42
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Sorry it's so short, I thought chapter 2 was so long so I split it up. I just realized it was so short about 10 minutes ago
26.01.2021 02:07
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Chapter 4:
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