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Chapter 4 - Warrior's Thunder
26.01.2021 02:02
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Chapter 4 In Rogueclan, Ice was sitting neatly on his throne. A large brown she cat walked up to him, with a skittish siamese. “Ice,” Bearflinch began, dropping a few plump mice in front of him, “Fadedclan’s territory is also flooded with the juiciest prey ever.” She amusedly purred. Ice nodded. “I see. We were greatly rewarded with that big storm. Everyone but Rogueclan was hit. I shall see for myself what the damage is. I’ve heard that they’ve had to move.” He jumped off onto the ground, starting to walk out of their camp. Bearflinch followed, her pelt dripping from being soaked in the flooded houses, “I believe they did move,” She reported, “Me and Milk saw no cats in their territory.” “Good.” He padded around, sniffing each of the houses as he went. He nugged open one of the doors, and bunches of rats came running out. He killed a few, as he could only get so many. He let one live, but he still held it down. Bearflinch held her claw to the rats neck, “Are you going to take that?”
26.01.2021 02:03
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“No,” he said looking down at it. “Seeing how big it is, and how big rats can get, I’d say that it’s going to have kits. I thought that we could take it back, raise them, then we could have her for fresh-kill and then have some more to add to the pile when they’re big enough to eat.” He said matter of factly. Bearflinch was at awe. She gently nuzzled his side, “That’s a smart idea…” She looked down at the rat, “But how would we keep it trapped and raise it?” She looked up at him. “We could dig a hole that it can’t climb out of, give it food and water, and give it stuff to make a nest out of.” He put the other dead rats on his back and started to walk towards their camp. Everyone watched as they walked in with so much prey. Ice held the female rat by the scruff. Bearflinch simply pulled the pray off of his back and put it in the freshkill pile. “This is so much that we could feast…” She smirked, her mouth watering, “And this is all for us. No kits, no apprentices… No queens to share with.”
26.01.2021 02:03
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Ice jumped up onto his throne. “We have brought back many prey, and we shall have a feast! But first,” he started telling them his plan for the rat. Ace nodded, “Who will take the job of feeding them? The medicine cat?” He said out loud. “Anybody that I say will,” He said, looking down on him, making Ace feel small. Ace simply shrunk down and nodded skittishly, “Yes, sir.” He told some cats to start digging a hole. When they were done, he put the rat in there and gave it seeds and water in moss. He also gave it hay and grass. “I want somebody to guard the rat and it’s hole so it doesn’t get out and so nothing gets it.” Everyone stood silently, no one wanted to do a tedious job. Bearflinch was about to offer when Twig walked up, nodding an agreement to do the job. “Good” Ice said, as Goldenbreeze came in, snickering. Bearflinch spun around to look directly at Goldenbreeze, “What’s so funny?” Her fur fluffed up as she attempted to look tough, “Do you wanna feed the rat?”
26.01.2021 02:04
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She ignored her. “I was just watching a small gathering the Clan cats had. Two of them got into a fight and their leaders had to pull them apart!” She laughed again. Bearflinch flusteredly chuckled, “Oh.” Her tail twitched, “What was the gathering about? The cat over there?” She pointed to the ragged prisoner. “No, it wasn’t. It was about the storm’s damage and the vandalisms that we made in their territories.” She started to groom herself. “Oh. How weak are they?” She asked, getting up and striding up to her side, her pelt a mess. “Well, Fadedclan has had to move to another territory, Meadowclan’s dens have blown away, some of Leafclan’s trees have fallen down, and Crystalclan still doesn’t have a leader.” Bearflinch groomed herself, “So they are weak… Do you think this may be a good time to attempt to steal some more herbs?” She glanced at Robin, then at Ice, her tongue bleeping. “I could use some more herbs,” Robin said quietly.
26.01.2021 02:04
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“Wouldn’t be a bad Idea.” Goldenbreeze looked around. “What’s with all the rats?” “Well,” Bearflinch explained the idea. When she was finished she was midway grooming herself, “See? Ice is so smart.” “Ok.” She finished grooming. “So when are we going to eat?” she asked. “Should we start the feast now and give the leftovers to the prisoner?” She leaned her head back to look at Ice. He climbed down from his throne. “I guess. Twig and Milk, pass out the prey.” Twig simply nodded as he dragged a fat minnow to Rubystar. “This isn’t even enough to feed a kit.” Rubystar mumbled. “Deal with it.” Darkthorn hissed, grabbing a rat. Ice nodded. “You’re lucky that we feed you at all, Clan cat.” Robin gave the pregnant rat some water, food, and grass to make a nest with. Bearflinch was chowing down on a plump rat. She was a very fast eater, so fast in fact, she nearly ate the bones too. After everybody finished, Robin stood up. “I need someone to come with me to get herbs from Fadedclan and the other
26.01.2021 02:04
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Bearflinch stood up, “I can go, I already know Fadedclan like the back of my paw.” She stretched far. He nodded and started to grab big leaves to carry the herbs with. He started to head out of the camp. Bearflinch followed, and walked to the clan with ease. “I saw a lot of catmint there,” she began, “Like, a TON under a floorboard.” He pulled it up and grabbed a few stalks of the catmint, storing them in one of the big leaves he brought. Bearflinch helped, grabbing a small carved bark of wood, which was like a bowl. She stored some water in the bowl with catmint and poppyseeds. “Is this good?” She offered the bowl to him. He nodded. “This will work very well to hold things. Much easier than a big leaf rap. Bearflinch nodded, and walked off, back to the rouges.
26.01.2021 02:39
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Chapter 5:
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