I'm gonna do it-


15.03.2022 15:30
LinkI'm making a dress code for fictional ocs lolollolololol

15.03.2022 15:30
Linkbasically just a dress code for the school all my ocs go to, so um- ye, let me type

15.03.2022 15:33
LinkFor girls:
No shoulders should be showing, no shirts with back open.
Uniform is expected but no required
no open toed shoes
shoes must be on and stay on
no hats are allowed inside.
No hoods/hoodies
Skirt must be of reasonable length
No crop tops or mid drifts
if wearing pants, they cannot be see through
stereotypical school dress code

15.03.2022 15:35
LinkFor boys:
No pants sagging
Shirt must be on and stay on
Uniform is expected but not required
no open toed shoes
shoes must be on and stay on
no hats are allowed inside
no hoodes/hoodies
if wearing pants they cannot be see through
once again, stereotypical dress code

For me, I don’t have a school dress code, but teacher preference kids to not wear hats indoors since it’s hot