- create flipbook animations online!
Uhhhh wwyd I guess
16.08.2020 00:11
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Ima type right quick
16.08.2020 00:14
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So uhhhh, rumor has it in town some little bodyguard guy is quickly rising to the top, its mostly hear say and your oc hasn’t seen much of anything, until today, it was just about dusk and a tall, slimmer man with big horns and skin that looked like it was turning black seemed to be directing a crowd of men, he waved his hand and they all seemed to scatter in different black cars all around the general area, he spots your oc nearby and basically tells them screw off Ya Austin Nicolas Essence, 26 years old, dragon boy, aromantic!!! (Mostly)
16.08.2020 00:16
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If I disappear at anytime it’s cuz uhhhhhh yeah ✨✨
16.08.2020 00:55
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-agro holds his hands up- hey hey buddy!! Dont gotta be so rude!!!
16.08.2020 00:58
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-he paused, then his eyes widened before they turned a deeper shade of magenta- oh you- -he started over to him, grabbing him by his hoodie as he yanked him up and off the ground, sneering- because of you I’ve got the news on my ass!- oh yeah- word gets around quick here- lemme ask you coldblodded ****, do you look as pretty on the inside as you do out here? Let’s find out- -he started dragging him off down some alleyway-
16.08.2020 01:12
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-agro was quick yo act, his body moved in a manipulative way, to twist his arm and allow him to get close to his neck, his tounge shot out to trip hin, bringing him to the ground and moving austin's head up so his neck was exposed, then suddenly his eyes went into extreme slits and his teeth started to bare, poison dripping from his teeth as his mouth reered to strike as he hissed-
16.08.2020 01:16
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-he seemed surprised for a quick moment, then his eyes quickly went to slits as well, he seemed amused to finally have someone to fight, spines started poking from his back as more of his skin turned black, he snarled in a way that he showed his rows of pointed teeth, his tail, which had to be as long as his tounge, but much wider started whipping around and growing more spines as well, he chuckled- you’re a mere snake, I’m so much more- -he snarled as he dove for him, his claws were raised, ready to strike, the same with his tail, he snarled at him- YOURE A SNITCH!! ALL FOR SOME NO GOOD KING-
16.08.2020 01:41
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-he widened his mouth, as suddenly, WAM!!!! His arm swung violently holding a rock he found, slamming into austin's jaw, quick enough to daze or possibly even break anyone's jaw, he then slipped out of his grasp and stood up, brushinf himself off- I dont know who this "king" youre talking about is but I didnt snitch, I was never a part of your lil gang, maybe dont talk so loud on thr phone during the show and nobody would try and get you in trouble, oh and one more thing -he started to walk away- i did it for money you jock, now how's about you **** off to a jail cell where ya belong -he laughed a bit and walked with his head hung high, yet it seemed he was just listening for his next move so he could react as quick as he could-
16.08.2020 01:53
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-Austin was bleeding from the jaw, something seemed to shift in his entire being, his aura wasn’t just mean anymore, no..this felt different, he definitely wasn’t playing around anymore and he definitely wasn’t just looking to mess with him anymore, there was an odd shifting noise, Austin became a mass of black that was slowly getting bigger by the second, large black wings sprouted from the mass, then a much much larger tail, about 20 feet long, his features were starting to look more dragon like, something that sounded like twisted cackles and howls of pain could be heard coming from him-
16.08.2020 02:04
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-agro's ears lowered as he suddenly gulped- shit- -he then started to run, t Getting as far away as he could- LOOK MAN I JUST WANTED TO WATCH A SHOW AND YOU WERE BEING LOUD!!! -He dashed very quickly, making quick turns as he occationally looked to see how far he was from the growing dragon mass-
16.08.2020 02:10
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(Me finally getting to feel like one of my Characters is powerful or something ✨✨✨✨✨ ALSO RUN AGRO RUNNNNNN) -he didn’t get to far before a scaley paw slammed right over him, luckily he was between the webbings of the claws that were just about the same size as him now, there was a very low growl that came from the mass, it was raising to be the size of some nearby buildings, two deep magenta eyes shown from the black mass, they were glowing and furious, his claws wrapped entirely around agro as he picked him up, lifting him up about fourty feet off the ground until he was met with Austin’s now gigantic head, horns and spikes lined all over his head, and his teeth were the size of agro, he looked at him, admiring finally having something between his claws, at once it seemed he grinned for only a moment before letting out a roar that shook nearby buildings, people we’re running out of their apartments and screaming, Austin couldn’t speak when he was like this, but it was clear he wanted to make agro a-
16.08.2020 02:11
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-message to the rest of the people in this town that doubted him throughout all these decades-
16.08.2020 02:41
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-agro shook violently, his ryes were wide as he seemed to be frozen in fear, suddenly he thought quick, he opened his mouth and bit his hand, injecting him with a strong poison, although due to austin's size, the poison would clearly do nothing but piss him off, no matter how much poison agro would try to pump into him, it wouldnt do anything, but he was then able to slip out of austin's grasp, agro then ran up austin's arm, going straight to his horn as he hid there, petrified, clinging to his horn so he wouldn't be found
16.08.2020 02:48
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-he stiffened up for a few moments, his back arched like a cats when in a fighting position, his eye twitched a bit before he shook his head, letting out another loud roar, people below seemed to be freaking out, he reached a clawed paw up, he was about to swat agro before a yellow blur seemed to pass up his other leg and to his face, for only a second, pez could be seen, she jumped up into midair, it seemed she was holding two crowbars, she swiped them right over his right eye, it sliced across his eyelid and he itmediatley screeched in pain, moving his paw to grab at his eye as his body lowered closer to the ground, pez hopped up on his paw before hopping to his head, her eyes were dull but seemed to brighten when she saw an unharmed agro, she wrapped a crowbar around his waist before sliding the both of them down his tail, getting them both off of the screeching dragon man-
16.08.2020 03:13
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-agro was surprised to see lex, and immediatly atarted to kiss her, not questioning where she came from, he clung to her as they ran- what the ****??? He can turn into that?!?!? And how- howd you- hat the ****?!?!? -he tried to keep his breathing calm, keeping up with her pace-
16.08.2020 03:18
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-she ran with him, tossing a crowbar to him, she smiled for just a few moments as she spoke between pants- my brother knows the guy- I knew a bit about what he could do- when I saw it from our window I just- snapped- I’m not sure what happened but- -she looked over at him- I’m glad you’re safe
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