
wo shi ta mere oui oui



I don't know if I should be-


TiP - Cheese!!! :1
I'm so mad at mommy!


04.09.2018 00:01
LinkShe only gave me 80$ to go to dollar general. Like seriously? Give me 100 at the least mom!

04.09.2018 00:06
LinkThat's good! It's cheap there you don't need much. Also my mom died so if you think your mom is horrible that **** off! Nobody wants to be around a spoiled selfish asshole like you are. My mom was great person and honestly your mom sounds great too. Also when my dad let's me go he gives me like 20 bucks. And I used it wisely. Get your ****ING ACT TOGETHER *****

04.09.2018 00:07
LinkAlso 20 bucks is enough to buy at least a few cheap things that are still good.

04.09.2018 00:12
Linkwtf is wrong with u kittykatgirlygirl2 i think u have enough toys by the way and y dont u spend ur money wisely i mean come on don't act like my sister she thinks she is a princess but she not 1 she is a brat that tales my money and my parents but i don't care how much money i get anyway on my birthday i always $50 and random money that i don't know how much from my grandma so i don't care about money it just money and thats it

04.09.2018 00:12

04.09.2018 00:13
LinkShe makes no ****ing sense!!

04.09.2018 00:13
Linkyeah none of dis makes sense

04.09.2018 00:14
Linki meant take not tale

04.09.2018 01:11
LinkMoca, honestly you're Mom is better off dead she gave birth to a horrible ****ing person that is you. I hope you die when you have a child who will be just as bad as you also your dad must hate her to let her die

04.09.2018 01:13
LinkWhat do you know about my life? My mom had a heart attack it wasn't my fathers failult! Plus you accually are making me cry so stop assuming

04.09.2018 01:13

04.09.2018 01:24
LinkI will tell you all about my life to see how good yours is I love mine too but still: my mom had a heart attack, a year later when my nrother left the house so he can live by himself he took most of our money and he was drunk so he broke a lot of our stuff and me and my father and young sister who was 6 she is 9 now we're left it what seemed like an abandoned house to me as an 8 year old. I barely ate much for a few months until we got new neighbors who really cared about us and let us live with them. They were a couple who I still live with and they give me a good amount of really good food. They shared everything with us. I love them so much. Our old neighbors just didn't give a **** about our lives. When my sister turned 9 happened to be the first day of school also she loves school but when she went there people bullied her a lot. 2 girls even tried to cut her in the bathroom, but a teacher caught them before she got badly hurt. She was bullied because she has Down syndrome and when I met those bullies

04.09.2018 01:29
Linkand I scared them badly so nobody bullied my sister anymore but my sister still felt hurt. She tried to hang herself in a closet but I caugh her just in time and told her why she shouldn't ever commit suicide. I was bullied because I was really skinny looking still because I was poor and everything they kept stealing my food and ate it in front of me while I sat there watching them. It took me a while to stand up for myself, so I told my principal. They also tried murdering me in the bathroom and planned to stuff me in my locker they got arrested though,
I'm done talking

04.09.2018 02:08
Linkartis35-omg i feel so bad for u i am really srry for what happened to u even though i didn't do any of it i still feel bad

04.09.2018 06:11
LinkOh my god

04.09.2018 06:12
LinkAnd @kittykatgirlygirl2, oh, man... I can’t even-

04.09.2018 17:39
LinkKittykaygirlygirl2 is a troll
ignore her