Cat that hippity hops


04.03.2024 18:30
LinkMocco strikes again

04.03.2024 18:38
LinkIn all seriousness, it's been awhile.

04.03.2024 19:05
LinkYeah it has lmaooo

04.03.2024 19:12
LinkDoing well?

04.03.2024 23:54
LinkYeah I’d say I’m doing well enough considering all the random stuff I did yesterday lmaaoo

Oh yeah I was lurking on there for a bit, last time i saw it it was dead as hellll lmaaoo. Welp tbh I think it was expected this site wasnt gonna last especially since mf flipanim doesnt even want new users anymore lmao. Also yeah I remember i used to come back here and when I thought about drawing a shitpost I couldnt even do it bc Id just get so demotivated randomly lmaao
And yeah honestly holy shit the fact that ppl will spend their time to make amazing af pieces and animation on here of all places is legitimately like wtf. Bc like theres so many other platforms to post it, in a way its endearing ppl decide this place to be it for that fr

I try to draw here time to time bc i barely have time now (university tires me out), which is pretty upsetting tbh, i still have some artist friends but it feels like everyone grew apart, even i dont draw every day now(once per month if we talk about actual pieces)😭 so maybe i understand why people would want to post things here insteaddd, id prefer to draw more myself

Well yeah it’d definitely be draining af to draw when theres so little time. Meanwhile mfers like pewdiepie improving in just 100 days of light doodling
But well ig in my case if I don’t draw necessarily everyday its bc I gotta work on my music for my youtube channel, honestly I kinda find it insane its almost been a year since I went serious about it but bc of it I gotta have to do a full drawing for that stuff at least like every 3-5 days. Its like half a job but not bc I dont mind drawing compared to other tasks
But yeah for ppl with a different schedule id imagine having the time to do a hobby is outright just not ☠️

The funny thing is that I chose one of the toughest degrees (law school💀), I literally have to memorize 200 pages per day and write exams with little to no time, i only doodle on my books and notepads during breaks and stuff. Everyone expected me to go to some art related uni though😭😭😭😭
Oh wait u still post music and stuff? Thats some dedication right there bro, i still remember how u used to do stuff for yt vids, im sure u prolly improved a ton,,, also if flipanim is too uncomfortable i could drop my discord, only if u want to ofc

Daaaaamn honestly if I was to say anything about dedication it’d definitely be for that bc I’m definitely like the opposite of accomplishing that sort of stuff fr with 200 pages and tests and all the university and school-like system stuff fr. It’s still super ironic though bc I’ve been the one slacking on traditional art mediums and I only noticed that very recently.
And yeah lmao my whole channel rebranded a bit so now I’m not stuck doing my singing monsters music for the rest of eternity lmaaoo. I definitely feel a lot more comfortable with the stuff i do there fr
Oh and as for discord, well I would definitely say its up to you I don’t mind either talking here nor there fr

Well my discord is triantafyllia, i had to delete the other one because of some unpleasant stuff😭
Also yeah school like system sucks, but i always was good at it and law is a very good choice so i dont really regret it, it does wreck my sleep and health💀
And omg u left the singing monsters phase wtf😭 that’s unexpected

Lmao well lemme see if the discord will work, and yeah I got a different account too bc I seldom use that thing anymore anyways lmao
Also yeah honestly for a decent and stable job law is pretty good fr. In peru its funny though bc its not a good choice there since the competition is too high fr
And yes I have forfeited the monsters of singing lmaaaaoooo (partly bc the developers have some quirky ass priorities update wise too tbh)