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Crossover AU (LMT)
03.10.2021 01:43
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Go here first --->
03.10.2021 01:43
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let me copy & paste really quick here guys we got a long chapter here....
03.10.2021 01:44
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“Wait wait wait,” Seven said walking over to Gizem to look at the picture, “Isn’t that the tribe that is said to be extinct? Gone? Wiped out?!” Seven put a claw on his mouth, but the damage had been done. Gizem and Seven started talking to one another, perhaps arguing, and Six couldn’t help but tune them out. A knot formed in her gut, of course Six was well aware that there were likely no other dragonets that looked like her aboard the Maw. She had checked many, many times before. The memories of when she was younger on the Maw slowly uncovered themselves. ‘Extinct. Gone. Wiped out.’ Seven’s words echoed in Six’s head like unwanted bells. She sat down gripping her head and shutting her eyes. “Six? Are you alright?” She looked up, her eyes meeting Gizem’s. “Fine,” she muttered bitterly, although her voice was more uneven than she’d had liked. “No, you’re crying” Gizem’s reply was quick. And it was then that Six was aware of the wet streams her tears had left on her face and snout.
03.10.2021 01:45
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“You’re also a gray blue color,” Seven added as he looked down, “I hadn’t meant to upset you, the words just slipped out....” Six glared at Seven; she didn’t want nor need his apology. She looked down, shaking her head, quickly taking note that her scales shifted back to their original dark pinks. Quickly Six looked up, facing Gizem, “Do you have an estimated time on when this ‘Medic’ will get back? I’d like to get back to escaping as soon as possible”. “With that wing?” A voice from behind spoke, causing Six to quickly whip around and face them. Two figures melted out of the shadows, both looked similar-ish, dark scales that easily melted into shadows, although one had some brighter colors, similar to desert sand. Even so they seemed to melt in and out with ease. The one with the lighter scales, also had purple eyes and wore a black poncho, a bag slung over her shoulder, as well as bandages covering part of her left forearm and wing.
03.10.2021 01:46
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The one standing next to her, who seemed to have completely dark scales as fair as Six could tell, had on a dark green hood with the eye symbol on the right shoulder. It covered his wing and his face, but Six could make out a few silver glittering scales around the underside of his jaw. “Even without a closer look your wing seems to be either horribly sprained or worse even broken,” the voice, now confirmed to be the dragonet with the odd colors and purple eyes, said. “Hey Medic,” Seven suddenly spoke up as Six pulled her hood back up, “Hey Fifth!” “Hello Seven,” The odd looking dragonet, Medic spoke. As Fifth simply nodded his head at Seven in greeting. Don’t you think you should introduce them to each other?” Gizem suddenly spoke up, as she gave Seven a ‘do it now’ face. “Right! Sorry urm, Six, this is Medic and Fifth,” Seven pointed at each in turn, “Medic, Fifth, this is Six”.
03.10.2021 01:48
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Six rolled her eyes, not caring much for introductions and just wanting her wing mended, or at least instructions on how to mend it. “So will you look at my wing, Medic?” Six asked in a bored tone. Medic nodded her head, and walked past Six, “Follow me to the medical tent in the Hide Away”. Fifth followed, and Gizem got up, quickly following after. Seven gently nudged Six’s side with his wing, and gestured for her to follow. Six grumbled a bit, mostly wondering why they couldn’t simply do it there and had to go deeper into the Hide Away. When they got to the ‘medical tent’ it wasn’t so much a tent as it was oversized sheets separating a section of the Hide Away. Inside there were small assortments of pillows and blankets, a few of which some dragonets laid on. From what Six could see they all had various wounds, all of them seemed to have been tended to though. Most dragonets seemed to have been bandaged, some had crude stitches, and one seemed to be missing a leg, the bottom of it bandaged, and covered i
03.10.2021 01:49
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-n blood. All seemed alive, if not just barely. “Six,” Medic deadpanned, and pulled Six out of her observations, “You may sit here”. Six looked at a pile of pillows and blankets, spaced fair away from the other dragonets and in a corner. She nodded and headed over, sitting on the pile of blankets and pillows. She’d never been on something so comfortable. Seven sat near Six, Gizem went off to get another book, some gnomes followed her, and Fifth went to some of the other dragonets in the ‘tent’. Medic sat at Six’s left side, examining her bad wing. “Can you unfurl it at all?” she asked, “Or at least move it?” “I’d rather not try, by the moons I know it’ll hurt”. Medic hummed a bit in thought, before, without warning, started touching it. Hissing in pain, and the scales around her wing turning white for a moment, Six flinched back, “A little warning next time! That hurt”. “Apologies, I had to test something. You actually seemed to move your wing with little problem, besides the pain, when you flinched
03.10.2021 01:50
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-back. I doubt it’s broken, perhaps badly sprained, but a splint and bandages should be more than enough to help it heal,” Medic mumbled, more to herself than to Six. “I’ll be back in a moment. Wing splints, and the amount of bandages needed to tend to your wing is too much to carry in my medical bag”. She started to leave before turning back to Six, “And Six. Don’t stare at the other patients, it’s rude,” Medic left after that. Seven sighed, spooking Six just a bit as she’d forgotten he was there. “So,” by her scales, what did he want? “Once she gets your wing all fixed up you’ll be back to your escape attempt right? Or once it’s got the splints and badges around it”. Six scoffed, “Of course I’m leaving after it’s in the splint and bandages. I’m getting off this ship, even if it kills me”. Seven softly chuckled at that, earning a confused glare from Six, “Sorry, but there’s no point in freedom if you die before enjoying it. Besides, where do you plan to go? If you get off without dying”.
03.10.2021 01:51
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The rainwing rolled her eyes, “Isn’t obvious? I’m heading to the mainland after I get off this ship”. A gloss covered Seven’s eyes for a moment, emotions crossing his face, concern, pain, sorrow, and fear. Then the glossy look was gone and Seven shook his head, “That… are you sure?” his voice quaked a bit. “No, I’m going to one of the moons,” again the dragonet rolled her eyes, “Yes I’m sure, now what’s it to you?” A webbed claw covered his face for a moment, as Seven sucked in a deep breath. “Let me go with you then,” his voice was cold, like the topic couldn’t be argued. “What?” Six narrowed her eyes at him, “No way this dragon flies solo”. Seven stamped his claws down, nearly making Six jump from how forceful it’d seemed. That’s when Six saw the look in Seven’s eyes, a spark of life, the want for something, something this blasted ship was keeping him from. A spark that Six had never seen in another dragonet on the maw, like life and hope had been taken out of them.
03.10.2021 01:52
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“Fine,” Six found herself saying, unsure as to the true reason she did so, “But if you lag behind, or get caught I’m not rescuing you”. Seven nodded, his look softening, the light in his eyes dimming a bit, but was obviously still there. “Thank you,” he smiled. A dragging sound could be heard, as Gizem reentered the medical ‘tent’, pushing another book with the help of some gnomes. Six watched as Seven went over to help, both of them pushing the book over to her. “Here,” Gizem said as the book was stopped right in front of Six. “Let's start learning the tribes now, shall we?” Gizem looked at Six for confirmation. The rainwing let out a sigh, trying desperately not to roll her eyes, “Sure”. With that Gizem opened the book, “Ok, let's start with the mudwings then…” “How many are there again?” Six asked.
03.10.2021 01:53
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“Seven tribes,” Gizem stated, flipping past a few pages to get to the mudwings. Six nearly collapsed farther into the pile of pillows and blankets. She sure hoped Medic would be back soon so she’d be able to leave. With Seven, a little voice in her head reminded her. She slouched a bit looking at the book, as Gizem explained the tribe to her. Sometimes she started to ramble, mostly about a tribe's role in history before the Maw, and everything falling apart. Six only half listened to that, her mind more focused on how her escape would work now that Seven would be tagging along.
03.10.2021 01:54
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Bam! Ok that's the end. OC featured in this: @Jades-Studio's oc Gizem @NightWolf20's oc Fifth then my oc Medic :3
03.10.2021 15:36
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03.10.2021 15:50
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hehehe after all this time I have now made it so FA isn't a chapter behind the rest :D
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