Please @my friends


28.06.2020 14:59

I don't think I can help here... blue, I love you, you are a wonderful person that deserves nothing but the best in life. Your boyfriend picked an amazing girl he couldnt have chosen better. I don't know your boyfriend but from what you've told me he is sweet, careing, and funny. These are all wonderful qualities and he is wrong for giving up in life. He deserves to live, he might struggle but I'm sure that eventually he could come back to the loving person he was. His parents were wrong you guys are meant for eachother and that isn't fair, he has the choice to love who he wants and so do you. If you ever get a chance tell him that, suicide is never the answer. If you commit to it there will be people in his life and yours that would be broken past the point of healing with you gone. If anything, keep the people you love and that love you in mind, it might not help a lot but it will help a little. I know one thing that is true, if you or your bf died, I would never be the same again. After reading this there

Thank you so much Pisces ❤️
That helps a lot and I have no more way to contact him so I may try contacting him that way and if not then I’m gonna find a way to get him to not do it. I told him that if he lives and gets his phone back that I’ll be here and my contact info isn’t changing at all. I think imma take a break from dating and not date anyone as much as it’s gonna suck feeling alone but that’s where my FA family comes in. I have you guys and I’m very thankful for that
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