small rant


18.11.2020 00:44
Linkhey so i'm just like- kinda depressed? school is ****ing nuts, and like whenever i talk to my dad about it he's like "oh don't worry you can handle it" when i clearly CANT. this has like little to nothing to do with this site but this site was like a nice way for me to express myself, and have others like my art. it also gives me something to do. but lately i've just been so depressed. like, i waste hours of my life on these things and no one even says anything. i dunno if i should leave or something, i just feel so stupid and untalented. gifted kid burnout, amirite?✨
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18.11.2020 01:14
Linknot like anyone cares but i'll be taking a (short?) break. i feel like screaming rn