A simple goodbye I guess
13.09.2021 21:38
13.09.2021 21:46
LinkHey. Im deeply considering leaving this website. I just don't feel like myself here and well. The reason I stayed in the first place- it's gone. They're leaving. I'm super happy that they're taking time off for themselves, but it does make me kinda sad. I think this goodbye is a real one. I might come by and y'know post some drawings and what not, but uh probably not gonna stay and chat. Besides school is up and running and so I should do us on that. I hope you guys understand. I don't want to abandon you guys, but istg social media is screwing me up big time.
13.09.2021 21:59
LinkI'll leave social for anyone who asks, but rn I just wanted to say thank you. To every supportive soul I got to interact with on this website. This place my be twitters clone, but there are some swag ppl on here
@TerraBTW. You've always managed to light some spark in me when my flame was burning out. You always made me smile and motivated me to be my best when I doubted myself.
@X-Passionflower-X. You were my best friend. Even better. A big brother figure. You were one of the few reasons I even bothered to stay. You were so fun to talk to and always made my day so much brighter.
@Fowwie. You my friend were one of the greatest inspirations I've ever encountered. You were also great to have small talk with. You always made me smile and I was so lucky to have met you.
And to everyone else I've ever felt happy around. Thank you so much.
I know I'm not a memberable person, so I won't be angry if you do forget I exist :) but I hope I was able to do something good before I leave.
13.09.2021 22:01
LinkI'll visit during the weekends. Maybe at the end of the day. Maybe never again lmao. But you'll probably see more of me during winter and summer break. If I'm not doing anything super fun that it. Stay safe, ily guys, and I'll see you later 😎
Comment removed
13.09.2021 22:02
LinkAnd if your wondering I will still be completing the contest so yea. That will remain open until further notice.
21.09.2021 05:18
LinkProbs still gonna comment and stuff, but like, not all the time. yea