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13 May 1945.
01.08.2024 04:41
Linkwoah looks cool
01.08.2024 04:41
Linkthank you
On May 13, 1945, the execution of a German soldier who had deserted took place just five days after Germany surrendered to the Allied forces in World War II, marking the end of the conflict. This execution took place during a trial that was not sanctioned by law, as it was conducted by a group of German officers who had been captured and were being held under the protection of the Allies in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The trial was held in a vacant Ford Motor Company factory, which had been repurposed as a prisoner-of-war camp by the Canadian Army. The two men on trial were Bruno Dorfer and Rainer Beck [de], who had deserted from the German Navy. Beck, a half-Jewish soldier, had fled to escape the threat of death.