dog planning an evil plan
little snow horned owl
A Creative Name I guess
Aquadoggo Request
flipanim time :D
want to?
22.10.2017 02:44
Linkokie .w.
*sings* you try your best but it's not quite there, you kick your paw and say it's just not fair, a simple wolf living simple dreams, a rumor that's not quite as it seams! (music).......... boris!, go beyond us, you're a late star, time to fool us, keep your friends close, that will drive you, to the cosmos, that describe you!(x2), brighter than tonight's sunset, can't mistake your silouet!, not a sound, nor voice nearby, your fur illuminates this gloomy sky!, (music).......boris!, go beyond us, your a late star, time to fool us, keep your friends close, that will drive you, to the cosmos, that describe you!(x2) (music)..................(end.)