I changed my oc ALOT

Lord B.Boxington walkcycle

Strangecat ...strange X3



My childhood

Wave test
A bit of a vent, don't mind me


07.04.2020 03:33
LinkWhy am I abnormal?

Was just casually browsing.
Hey man, need to talk? It's alright to not talk, but it only makes things worse. I'm literally new here, so probably vent to a friend. Maybe a adult ( if they actually care. )
You're important. May not seem like it to you, but you are.

So my family is Jewish, but I don't believe in god so me and my family get into arguments every once in a while. Recently my grandmother died and at her funeral everyone was crying... except for me. It's not that I didn't like my grandmother it's just... I don't know... I loved her actually, I just didn't feel anything towards her dying. No sadness, no happiness of course, no anger, nothing. My family and relatives quickly noticed and started claiming I was a murderer (even though she died of natural causes at the age of 98) and everyone started shouting and threatening me. I only heard some insults since everyone was talking at the same time, but it was mostly "You murdered her" or "Spawn of Satan" I had no idea what to do since I thought it was bullshit. I'm a 15 year old woman that doesn't believe in god and didn't cry during grandma's funeral, therefore: a spawn of Satan. Suddenly a glass vase full of flowers fell on the floor, seemingly on its own.

Turns out i got shot in the shoulder, and survived. Usually my parents would call this a miracle, but after the events at the funeral, they called me a demon and didn't even want to see me. I was kinda glad about this, except that they wouldn't stop bullying me over text and im starting to believe their words... what if I am a demon

Holy shit man that's rough.
That's a terrible family. They shouldn't force religion on you first of all.
It's okay not to cry at a funeral, it really is. Don't feel ashame. Honestly I can't bring myself to cry, even if do care about something.
Your family has no right to insult you. And how the **** did you murder your grandma??
You don't have fingerprints on her, you didn't cause her death. Your family should know that, but since you don't believe in what they believe in, your automatically the devil, and cause everything. Which isn't true.
Good for you to escape, and vent your problem.

And disgusting how they didn't care about you, after you got injured. You could of died. And they just think your a murderer.
You're not a demon, they just think that for not agreeing with them. They're stupid. They are even worse for not caring about you.
Shouldn't call them your parents if they insult you, and didn't even ask if you're okay.

Thanks for your support, but I feel that I am a demon or at least something close to one... I don't feel emotions other than sadness or just nothing altogether, if someone has a problem I don't feel bad for them, I tend to be violent sometimes, and I don't believe in god. I'm seeing an exorcist tomorrow and I hope they can fix me

Hey man, you don't have to feel bad for everything. I guess just say " I'm sorry that happened to you " you don't have to mean it.
I feel like this could be depression, probably is.
I don't really know what to think of exorcism.
I would say you should visit a therapist, or ya know, vent here. If you think low of yourself, then you should seek help. I hope saying that saying that doesn't seem offensive..

That's not offensive at all. Thank you for trying to help, I feel a bit better! A lot of things I see with vents is that people vent, talk with someone, go to sleep, and feel fine in the morning. That'll probably happen, thank you for listening to my bullshit, it helped me get some things off my chest