Gerry is back up
06.04.2019 18:48
LinkAaron: Aren't you sad you're getting 2nd place right now, Ashley?
Ashley: Nah I'm ok with it.
06.04.2019 18:50
LinkAaron: Where's the voters? We gotta get on to stage 3 2.0.
Gerry: They're hiding. They'll be here in a sec
06.04.2019 18:54
LinkMe:Aaron noooooo ;-; You can't lose to Gerry and Ashley!
06.04.2019 19:32
LinkAaron: Sad face it's better to be loosing to Ashley because Gerry doesn't shut up about it.
Gerry: You're the one who doesn't shut up about winning.. -_-
Ashley: Boys, BOYS! Stop arguing there's no reason to argue! D:
Aaron: Yes there is!
Gerry: There really is.
Ashley: Come on, can our world start turning into hell????
Gerry: Apperantly it can't.
Aaron: *Wheeze* why can't we just all die??? ;-;
Ashley: That took a dark turn...
Aaron: WhErE aRe AlL tHe PeOpLe WhO hAvEn'T vOtEd??? We CoUlD rEaLlY uSe ThEiR hElP rIgHt NoW...