Wwyd lmt
05.03.2021 12:43
LinkSo you are married to a lovely woman named Amaryllis/Mary. You two decided to have kits together. So you do all that yadada. You had recently been getting attacked by a girl named Raisin. Mary and her had some serious history, and Raisin was very hostile and would attack frequently. But you went to the store for stuffz and came back to Mary on the ground, dead with her stomach tore open.
Squirrly: if you wsnt to do this, you get a special one since we already have an AU with Mary and Squirrly
Remember with Dumpling, the blind one, Prince, and Chip? Yeh so eirher you can do the wwyd above by starting a new au or if you want to continue that au here's a new one relating to the one above: You and Mary wanted to spend some time away from the kids and decided to leave some very trusted friends//family members with them in case Raisin attacked. You both left hesitantly and had a reslly nice time together. You came back about a week later and found out that Raisin had killed the babysitters and was taking care o
05.03.2021 12:44
LinkOf the kids while you were gone. You found her asleep curled around Chip, Prince, and Dumpling. They all looked comfortable.
05.03.2021 12:52
LinkOr you can do both i dont care lmfao
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