omega the sudden realization-
22.02.2021 03:29
Linkomega the sudden realization I have 199 followers and 1000+ likes- I read 1000+ as like a 100 or somethin xd
22.02.2021 03:29
Link*omega meant omgee*
22.02.2021 03:31
Linklike- wow- I'm not a very good artist and I have room to improve but yet so many amazing ppl follow me including :
22.02.2021 03:32
Linkcrud muffins it didn't do- one sec xd
22.02.2021 03:33
Linkhere :
SoapDemon, AU-FNaF-Potato, Onion2, Pyrite, RK900-, DOnutlady779, LeDoggoCult, S4d1stic-Pyth0n, Mojoduke1, animatedqueens2020, -guard-spooder-, whatsthenewstuff, Anaconstanza, PumpkinPiePrince, Moodglanecloverwine, liveinglife, FuriousCat4441, milkTheWay, DollarMelonDollar, zaniyah, MysteriousArtist-TH, Gecko-System, 101-DoctorNick-101, Omochi28, imacoconut, fluffycat69, Ermegosh, ilysmfromm, Millieani889, -Ghosted, lawnmower, -gLiTcHeD-sHiErO-, B0nn--Unb0xed, Griffinessa, S0m3L00s3r, Tr4umat1c-4rt1st, RandomCatDraws, Henry-stickmen, -Souls-, 2ndlil-Lemon, XxLIVxX, PelitosUwU, Jaye-C, alexdabean, sugarmilk, OoCheezeballoO, -alex-cant-draw-, jdwkzbbCJB, TheAndromidaEevee, teclapace, AwesomeEMKfox, summersunset, IzAhnaBoi, owofries, anime-all-day, JustMehere, bubblymelon, Unusual, krizcrazz, C0mplimentaryM1nts, Bre-The-Kiwi, Samurai, lilblock2, XxFrostbiteAndRosexX, SilentPrincess, XenaTheSilkWing, InfiEnthusiastOWO, athing2, xXAngelXx, wolfyart123, SpiderSkins666, -dogger101-, -Rainpuff-, -kioko-, ohsna
Comment removed
22.02.2021 03:34
Link, ohsnapTurtle, Acorn-Doodles, shengjie, Glimmer24, Hhhhhhgggh, CucumberSoldiers, SatanTheDevil, weebboi, HowToHub, melodysweet, AmongUshow, Creature, -Micheal--Afton-, MeepMan, YourLocalNarrator, lillidancer, Hot-pizza-rolls, stick-man-animator, grape-giveaways, letmesleepUnU, PuppypartcatQueen, Nox-the-weirdo, Thicc-Milly, ChronicBoredom, YOUr5tanky, MrIsaac, YOUstanky, STANKCorp, N4turalDisasters, Pug0876, MatthewMason, MonicMelom, 0rangeFloof, cocoacat69, ororororoorororor, oooooooooo9, lolololololl, Black-cat, boi1234, weird1-4evr, bestanimaterever, KIORI9, LuluBananas, ballpoint-leon, -Nightshade-, ghostchild11, KawaiiChanMiku, crimson-mango, Drnick, oooooooofofoofofof, Kogeray, Wolfyanimates09, Donut-KittieX, Deadpool1268, Grapefruit-S0DA, carfman, -Nevada-, pyroplasma1, Ambermakes, SoldierstarOwO, landrythprincess, landryprincess, Alexartz199hhhhhh, Itscannonmemesroooo, Foxy-piggy, EatingClay, aminatornew, NavyNCS, NewbieDrawer, Banananananana, GemrBwee, TheBunnY64, dab
22.02.2021 03:35
Linkdabingdude, silverghost35, fireflamescute3, MeTrash1, noob1234, Pkienenrb, EverestShards2, CallMehBelle, Ifymsndnebcjecjnnecj, cosmicjennyten, Porrkiemen, jumpjacksonjamse, CaptainStar, NxJoey, FoxUniverse360, LIV115, FritzBoy, joe97anim, Poopriesisisi, kittynum, ongale5234, -itsbad-, PerfectlyPeachy, -KIZT-ZO-RU-, bababoey, eggylord, isaacsdrawing, Mother-Yeet, Blanel4001, night0wl, smelly-doritos, Vannyy, kittylover1763, poopieatman, Larissa-animations, randodudepopopopopop, XxSpazballxX, fireminx13, Deku-the-drawer, -Icey-, SPAZMAN, MemeMan123, Ennard-kun, Suga-wara, coconutnutella112, xXCheezeballXx, bomb1012, Dogkey, Thelandanimals, IGIGEZ10, diaster, Ihateyouperiod, Elliance
specail thank you to Elliance for being my first follower. you got me started and a cant thank you enough! thanks you also to my first ten followers including : Suga-wara, coconutnutella112, xXCheezeballXx, bomb1012, Dogkey, Thelandanimals, IGIGEZ10, diaster, Ihateyouperiod, Elliance
i just wanna thank all of you for getting me started and motivating and inspiring me.