I can explain-


26.10.2019 03:11
LinkOKAY so someone dared me to fuse two characters. One character being someone I love, the other I hate. So, the character I chose for 'I love' was David, and 'I hate' was Pink Diamond.
I'm sorry- but I just- hate Pink Diamond.
David would make a better diamond, he wouldn't go and leave any gems behind- lmao

I mean, the other diamonds made an effort to change- Pink made Steven to run away from her problems <:,0
I can see where you're coming from though, I guess I view that she was very manipulative over her loved ones. Leaving Pearl for a human even know she knew how she felt, Lying about Bismuth and what happened, literally starting a war and shattering thousands-

Pink did nothing but run away from her problems, and to hide those problems, she lied.
The reason why everybody was sufferywas because of Pink not wanting to deal with her issues.
She saw Greg as her toy until he had to yell at her.
The Diamonds are making the attempt to change, while Pink/Rose decided to run from her problems and gave everyone else suffer. She didn't care, all she cared about was Freedom. She never even made the attempt to give Steven hints about Bismuth, her being Pink, and Spinel.
She may have change her perspective on life as something worth protecting, and made herself as Rose to stage her shattering, but she didn't try to change herself as much as the Diamonds are doing right now.
That's the reason why many people in the fandom dislike Pink as an individual.