- create flipbook animations online!
lmt I have a P L A N
14.09.2020 18:30
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Ever since I came with Star and Pastel Queen, I've ALWAYS wanted to make them a YouTube channel. Of coarse, I'm not that good an animator yet, and I'm not aloud on YouTube until I'm 13 yrs old. Of coarse, I also don't have anyone to do Pastel Queen yet. YET >:3. Sooooo... I'm very close to my little cousins who are 5 years younger then me. They are like my baby sisters. I thought hard..... AHAHAHAHHA! In 3 years I will be 13 and my little cousins (their twins btw) will be 7! Ahahaha! The same age as Star and Pastel Queen. I'd have to ask my aunt permission 1st and stuff of coarse but still! Get ready for a Star and Pastel Queen YouTube channel in 3 years if I dont forget and if this plan works.. whichever twin wants the spot the most... they'll have to fight for it... AHAHAHA im going insane help
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