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Chapter 12 - Warrior's Thunder
28.01.2021 17:52
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Chapter 12 Mangledstar walked into the den. Willowdusk and Shadowleg had each other in a death grip. Shadowleg swiftly gave a deadly kick to Willowdusks throat. Willowdusk bit his paw as it came towards her. Quarzstar swiftly grabbed her and ripped her away. Soon enough a crowd of all cats began to swarm around them. “Mangledstar! Get Shadowleg!” The early leader cried. The brown tom grabbed Shadowleg’s scruff, who was just hissing and yowling to Willowdusk. Quartzfur turned to the tom leader, “N-now… You deal with Willowdusk, I’ll deal with mine…” She mewed. Mangledstar looked down at his deputy. Her left eye was closed. He glared at her and the Crystalclan tom. “Manglestar.” Quartzfur cried out, attempting to pull him out of the anger. He started to push Willowdusk to the Fadedclan cave. “Brisknose, Get the clan into another cave. Quick.” She grabbed Shadowleg.
28.01.2021 17:52
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He nodded as he herded Crystalclan into a different cave. Soon enough, only disnat echoes of Shadowleg and Quartzfur battling. Yowls shattered through the halls of the large cave. Jasperwhisker hissed, “What’s happening?! “A fight, what else.” “Why and who?” Jasperwhisker began to pad to the fight. “Shadowleg was talking mouse dung about Fadedclan and Willowdusk got REALLY angry.” Jasperwhisker kept padding. “I need to talk to him.” “You’ll have to wait” “No.” She began to race towards the battle. Brisknose ran after her and, having longer legs, stopped in front of her. Jasperwhisker yowled, “I need to see my mate.” “You’ll have to wait.” “Why?” “I dunno, I’m not taking him.” “We need to make sure they don’t kill each other.” “They’ve been separated.”
28.01.2021 17:52
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“I hear them yowling.” He began to pad over to where the others are. Quartzfur and Shadowleg were fighting, fur, blood, everything flew everywhere onto the cave walls and floors. Shadowleg fought like a badger, he was stronger and swifter, a lot more erratic, when it came to fighting. He slammed his paw into the leader's leg. Brisknose leaped over and head butted him off. Shadowleg flew off, but swiftly jumped up. He grabbed the black tom’s leg with his claws. Shadowleg battered him away with his claws, but Quartzfur swiftly pounced on him. In one, swift movement, she forced his head into the stream and gave him a few punches. She shook him until his teeth rattled. All that Shadowleg could hear was the muffled yells of Brisknose at Quartzfur. “I can’t let him go!” Shadowleg could hear, water filling his ears.
28.01.2021 17:52
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“You’ll kill him if you don’t!” Suddenly, Quartzfur ripped him out of the water, and began to drag him outside: outside to the high cliff, which had a deadly drop below. “She’s gone crazy!” A cat, now in the group of cats watching, whispered. Brisknose ran out and grabbed Quartzfur’s scruff. Quartzfur hissed, “You’re a mistake of Starclan! Get off of our clan, or else we’ll drop you onto the spikes!” Her glare burned on Shadowleg. Mangledstar watched scornfully as his former Clan mate was sitting wet by the cliff. Shadowleg casted one last look at his leader, “May Starclan guide your way.” His voice said, in a calming tone that was chilling to his bone. He glanced at his ex-leader, his eye twitching irritable along with his tail, “May your clan get better.” He turned around, and hissed out curses towards them as he ran away. For once Jasperwhisker was silent.
28.01.2021 17:53
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*** Ice was out patrolling when he heard the sound of pawsteps. Shadowleg was swiftly running through the territory, his pelt dripping with wetness and blood. “Hey you!” He yelled. “What are you doing here?” “None of your bee-wax!” He hissed, his claws already going out. “Then why are you on my territory?” “I’ve been exiled.” “Are you from one of those Clans.” Ice spat out the word. “Not anymore.” Shadowleg hissed through gritted teeth, “No matter how many times I changed Clans, they were never enough. Or couldn’t handle me.” “How would you like a different kind of Clan?” “Sure…” He flickered his ears and tail. “Then follow me.” He turned around and started to walk to the Rogueclan camp. Shadowleg sniffed around. “I love the smell here.” He confessed, relaxing his muscles. “This is the Rougeclan camp.” Sleekshine looked up, as well as the other captives.
28.01.2021 17:53
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“You must be a new Clan…” Shadowleg flickered his ears, “I’ve never heard of this place before.” “Good.” Ice said. “That means we’re still - er - I mean yes, we’re a new clan.” He narrowed his eyes, “Why haven’t we seen you at gatherings?” He smacked his lips. “Me and a few cats have been watching - just a little - to see how the Clans work.” “You’ve been sneaking on territory, haven’t you?” He twitched his tail. “Well how else were we supposed to know how to run a Clan?” Shadowleg sighed, “You’re right.” “So… would you like to join?” “Yes.” He nodded. Ice smiled. “Good. I’ll show you around.” He started to walk around the camp. Shadowleg fell hastily behind him. Cats recoiled their heads to look at the two.
28.01.2021 17:54
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Goldenbreeze whispered to Bearflich. “Who’s that?” “I don’t know. He smells.” She replied, licking herself. “He smells like water. Icky water.” Bearflinch arose from her grooming, and began to walk towards Ice. Her whisker quivered with alertness. “Who’s this?” She asked. “His name is Shadowleg. He’s going to join our new Clan.” He secretly winked at her. Bearflinch caught on. She purred and nuzzled him. “Welcome! I’m Bearflinch, the deputy!” “Our medicine cat is Robin.” Goldenbreeze signaled to the blue-gray tom with her tail. Bearflinch flickered her tail to everyone else, “And those are the warriors. We have no one else.” “No kits no apprentices no nothing.” Ice added. “What about queens?” Shadowleg looked around, “There's no apprentice, elder, or nursery den…” He pointed out in a whisper. “Nope.” “You guys must really be new than…”
28.01.2021 17:54
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He nodded. “Told you.” “I’ll help you with building the camp.” He offered. “Sure.” Ice said. “That would be wonderful.” He smiled, “Alright.”
29.01.2021 15:04
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Chapter 13:
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