ask undertale and me :)


15.12.2018 02:34
LinkQuestion for Toriel: Do you forgive Asgore?
Question for flowey: where you at, how's life been how, how is everyone treating you?
For Sans: I don't want a ship war to break out so who do you like.
For Chara: *Gives you chocolate* Don't go out killing people. Okay.
For Frisk: Don't reset child.
For Asgore: Do you need a hug?
For Megabeat: *gives you cookies* enjoy.

16.12.2018 04:30
Linksorry tired soo undertale ask us is in chat

16.12.2018 04:32
Linkok here is toriel

16.12.2018 04:33
Linktoriel: of curse i do i forgive asgore for what he did he only wanted to make all of the mosters have hope

16.12.2018 04:35
Linkflowey: well i live with frisk and toriel so life is good i guess but idk why... they are all so nice to me {sigh}

16.12.2018 04:37
Link{sans can't chose right now} ink sans: hey jewel is ut sans doing ok. megabeat/ jewel: um yea he can't chose who he likes

16.12.2018 04:39
Link{takes chocolate} i'm not evil anymore cas someone.... i'm sorry i said to much {chara runs away}

16.12.2018 04:40
Linkfrisk: don't wiry i promised sans i would never reset

16.12.2018 04:42
Link{asgore take your offer} asgore: thank you i needed a hug for what i done in the past

16.12.2018 04:45
Link{jewel / megabeat takes the cookies and share them with you and everyone you asked cas nobody else was here on time so i save up the cookie after we eat one} thanks and your a good cook

16.12.2018 04:46
Linkshould there be a part 2 or not find out soon cya next up ask undertale and the au's and me

17.12.2018 22:26
LinkI don't know why but the last thing you said made me think "Next time on DragonballZ" XD

17.12.2018 22:26
Linkalso Please make le part two

18.12.2018 15:09
Linki will