

05.07.2024 22:08
Linkbeen playing more genshin recently
my Bennett is currently BARELYY
on his way to level 90
I figured since I have had him on my team since I got him
he should be first
(like on main teams)
he has a level 70 sword, his artifacts aren't the best
but he isn't supposed to do a lot
if anything he acts as a second dps
he hits 11k on his burst normally
23k once on vaporize
uhh childe is probably main dps
along with, ganyu, lyney, yoimiya,
others on the team are supports
like kazuha and uh blue hairs hydro kid from liyue
xingqu ????
but kazuha has started hitting better number cause I changed up his artifacts, he has 539 elemental mastery as of rn

05.07.2024 22:12
Linkall my main dps
share different parts of the set
like when lyney is on my team the 5* pyro damage goes from Bennett to him, the most lyney hits was 43k I think, usually only does 15k on burst, charge and skill
then the hydro from xingqu ?? goes to childe when he is dps
he has hit an average 24k when he does his burst
ganyu does 6-11k on her charge, ganyu is the only one using full 5* wander's set