erm what the fart


02.09.2024 03:16
Linkhello cretins
i completely forgot this site existed until .2 seconds ago so i figured i should make a little post since ive been dead and will stay dead
heres a little life update:
What do you go by?: Voltaire or Kolver.
Age?: 16
How's schooling? currently a junior in highschool but working to get my associates as a fasttrack//dual enrollment student in 2d and 3d studio art.
Where have you been?: i mainly reside on discord as i forget this place exists, if you want to chat/friend me, my user is brassbeetles , make sure you comment ur user otherwise i'll ignore your friend request assuming its spam or a troll
Where else can i find you?: my ip address is no im kidding i have a toyhouse go there
current interests?: my jerk of a son basilisk, rammstein, and the army. (currently have an army story in the works)
if you wanna ask questions lmk, but if its commented after a day or so i'll probably not respond until months later LMAO