i`ll conquer it


IRL Lagora is my spirit animal



lol wait that’s a cop

Dumb AU time, lemme type


22.03.2020 18:36

22.03.2020 18:42
LinkUhh so, this is heavily based off a choose your story game (7 days). Anyways perspective time
You wake up in a world you don't remember, is this Earth? It doesn't look like it. The world infront of you is a pale, cold, wasteland. You get up only to see a misty figure floating infront of you. "Hello, my name is Charon," You can see the figure more clear now, he has grey skin and black eyes. "There's no easy way to explain this, well there is, you're currently dead." Dead? Oh that makes sense. "Right now you're in the place where you have a chance at ressurection, however there is a twist." Oh boy. "You have to complete a certain task I assign to you, it is not a normal task, it is based on your past life. However once I disappear, you will have no memory of your past life other than your name. As soon as you complete the given task, you get resurrected. But beware, you only have 7 days to complete the task, and there are monsters everywhere you look, but you may also meet allies, choose to trust, or be a -

22.03.2020 18:42
LinkLoner." "Toodles, you'll find out more along the way"
Teehee rule time

22.03.2020 18:49
Your character must have some sort of black eyes, ex. Blank, sharp, round, etc.
There are roles your character can be in, dont expect to get the exact role you want: Rogues/Villains, Good guys/Normal, Assassins/Murderers, Infected/Zombies
You may be a monster (skeleton, undyne yknow) human, or anamoly
Characters can have any weapon besides supernatural powers
You have 3 lives until you turn into an infected
The bio you give your character heavily influences their role and how long they live

22.03.2020 18:51
LinkDue uh, March 28th