05.04.2020 02:24
LinkWhen moon looks like sun
(Lmao yeah it doesn’t matter if we talk here, not like anybody I watching our conversation... or..👀)
Yeah, my mom is pretty serious about the spring cleaning, so I am gonna be doing this until Easter. Kinda sucks. Oh well.
Haha, nah, don’t have school. I gotta do online school work. Just like everyone else on this planet.
Yeah, nobody's watching..... haha... unless.... 👀
Planet's kinda crappy right now though isn't it :((
But yeah my mom's been making us spring clean too, ergh. Mostly the basement and that's not fun.
ALSO gonna throw this out here! Online school is stinky!! We start next week and I already took two years of online French..! I'm not going back!!
Besides cleaning what've you been doing?
Stinky work!!! Still gotta finish my short story, but I REALLY don’t wAnt to.
I been drawing in my sketchbook. My mom says I spend to much time drawing and not enough of cleaning. I also have to babysit a lot, but I like to explore the woods with my brother on my free time. It’s so cool and creepy at the same time. What about you?
Everything isn’t shut down just yet. The schools are closed. Some stores are shut down. But it kinda feels normal still, except for the fact that there is taped lines in the grocery stores indicating how far you should stand from someone. But h yeah, I did get sick once during last week. But don’t worry, I was self isolating myself.
Fjhfjf I live in a village where everybody knows everybody, like one big family. So I can be sure they won’t do something like that here. Plus, we are 15 min away from our town, pretty remote area.
But yeah, I hangout with my neighbour all the time!
Anyways, I gotta get going. See you hopefully next Saturday! I will miss you— again, sadly.