A Very Speddy Potato Spedding
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Golden Eagle
- The Inevitable -
Stop hating on straights
27.08.2020 15:03
LinkI recently found A LOT of people on this website hating on straights. -_- just stop, you aren't helping the issue your just making things worse if you hate on straights. Most of ya'll aren't even in a relationship (me too so idk why tf am I talking) we are here to draw, comment, make animations, and having fun not a debate. Go on zoom, go on a different website other than flipanim go outside, wear a mask and go to conventions to address the issue. If you are plotting to delete straight pride are you on crack? did you do drugs and forgot? did you eat a bowl of forgetti'o's this morning? did you stay in quarantine for too long? did someone chop off half of your brain? seriously? about like, %50+ of people ARE straights what are the straights going to be left off? curvys? not all straights are bad. What if your pride was getting deleted? what would you do? straight pride is for equality, having fun, raise confidence, and much more! not a revolution.don't think you are better just because you're pride is differe
27.08.2020 15:04
Linknt. Everyone is equal just stop.
27.08.2020 15:05
Linkthe straight haters are just as stupid as straight pride itself