The Chained Owl, Quinshi


22.12.2020 20:42
Linkpoor child /^\

22.12.2020 20:54
LinkIndeed ;-;

Part Tatarimokke(Owl Spirit)
203 years old
7’ 2”
93 lbs
Quinshi was born into an extremely poor family, with 2 older siblings, and right from the beginning her life was ripe with misfortune. When she was 7 years old, her parents were killed in a house fire, leaving Quinshi and her siblings to fend for themselves; when she was 12, her siblings accidentally left her behind after trying to escape from the Demon-controlled piece of garbage they called a city; and when she finally reached the age of 16, she was discovered by the Demon in charge of everything in the city, named Shuten Doji, and basically forced to be his personal concubine. The only time he ever tried to do anything to her, she broke one of his fangs and slashed out his eye with it. Though she was able to maintain her virginity, she was forced to be Shuten Doji’s ‘servant’ for many, many years. Finally, at the age of 23, she managed to escape from Shuten Doji and flee into the countryside.
(Not done, this is a long one)

Soon after fleeing, she found an old house to take shelter in. When she explored the house, she found that every room(aside from the main hall) looked like they were only recently made. The kitchen fully stocked with food and other supplies, the dining room had dishes and silverware that moved when Quinshi wanted them to, a bedroom with plenty of fresh clothes, and a surprisingly large library filled with very ancient scrolls; scrolls filled with teachings of magic. She stayed in the house for several weeks, reading every scroll that she could get her hands on, learning every bit about magic she could, with the hopes of eventually both finding a way to find her lost siblings, and perhaps even getting some well-needed revenge on a certain Demon. Once she learned all she could from the scrolls(and essentially becoming a witch in the process), she gathered as many supplies that she could carry, along with a new mask that she found at the entrance, and finally left the old house.
(Not done-)

After leaving the house, plenty of things happened to Quinshi(way too many to type here), and most of them were very grim for her. But to sum it up, she was nearly sacrificed to a Kami of death, nearly wound up at the bottom of the sea, found out that her siblings had been killed only 2 years after they left Shuten Doji’s city, had started her own coven just to get revenge on Shuten Doji, and even after all that it was still a downward spiral for her. When she mounted an attack on Shuten Doji, her coven was nearly wiped out entirely and scattered all over the world. As for Quinshi, due to rumors of being nearly immortal, Shuten wanted to test these rumors and ordered for her to be chained up in the middle of the desert, at a temple that nobody even remembers the name of. To this day, Quinshi has been chained up in front of this temple for exactly 173 years, silently chanting a mantra of protection and longevity the whole time(so yes, technically she IS immortal, but only for as long as she chants the mantra).