I'm getting better woo
20.01.2022 23:45
Linkat least i think so. idk i dont think its possible to GET better from this ill forever be a selfish people pleasing loser but its not as like. yknow
20.01.2022 23:46
Linki dont feel like people hate me atm and thats a good thing (i think it got worse when i got stuck at home) flipanim breaks usually help
20.01.2022 23:48
Linki used to think this problem i have only happenned on the internet and maybe i should just step away but nO it happens at school too with this one girl who used to talk to me but??? doesnt anymore idk why i think i acted too like.. quiet and reserved bc i dont rlly know her a bunch and shes just scary af BUT!! her friend is like rlly nice to me for some reason. she doesnt like talk to me during class but she always makes small convos at the beginning and always waves and it makes that class a bit more bearable
20.01.2022 23:49
Linkdeleting the dream post max look cringe