- create flipbook animations online!
Bleh. I can't draw.
21.04.2020 08:41
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you just realised that huh?
21.04.2020 08:48
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Shut up
21.04.2020 08:48
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Nobody needs people to make them feel bad
21.04.2020 09:30
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noone needs 9 yo on FA
21.04.2020 09:32
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This is why I forgot you existed in the span of 3 mins
21.04.2020 09:50
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wow so sassy
21.04.2020 10:55
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What the **** is wrong with you
21.04.2020 11:16
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Everything lol
21.04.2020 13:57
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21.04.2020 14:40
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imagine not being able to handle a troll
21.04.2020 08:50
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we know sis
21.04.2020 08:53
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bruh uts needs to be un a wheelchair
21.04.2020 09:45
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i relate to that title
21.04.2020 14:44
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I didnt go away forever now which is it harry potter script or star wars
21.04.2020 14:46
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STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI Written and directed by Rian Johnson Based on characters created by George Lucas A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... STAR WARS EPISODE VIII THE LAST JEDI The FIRST ORDER reigns. Having decimated the peaceful Republic, Supreme Leader Snoke now deploys his merciless legions to seize military control of the galaxy.
21.04.2020 14:46
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in: Star Wars transcripts, Movies, 2017 films Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi Edit Comments (2) Share watch 01:32 The Loop (TV) TheLastJediTheatricalPoster STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI Written and directed by Rian Johnson Based on characters created by George Lucas A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... STAR WARS EPISODE VIII THE LAST JEDI The FIRST ORDER reigns. Having decimated the peaceful Republic, Supreme Leader Snoke now deploys his merciless legions to seize military control of the galaxy. Only General Leia Organa's band of RESISTANCE fighters stand against the rising tyranny, certain that Jedi Master Luke Skywalker will return and restore a spark of hope to the fight. But the Resistance has been exposed. As the First Order speeds toward the rebel base, the brave heroes mount a desperate escape.... Pan across the star field to reveal D'Qar. A huge Resistance cruiser vessel called the Raddus, which is named after the Mon Calamari Admiral Raddus, him
21.04.2020 14:47
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Such dedication
21.04.2020 14:47
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EXT. D'QAR - RESISTANCE BASE - DAY On the planet's surface, LIEUTENANT KAYDEL KO CONNIX and her tall colleague JONES oversee the frantic evacuation of the rebel base. JONES: We're not clear yet! There's still 30 pallets of cannon shells in C bunker. KAYDEL KO CONNIX: Forget the ammunition, there's no time. Just get everyone on the transport. (hears a distant boom) Oh, no. Connix and Jones look up and see two Resurgent-class Star Destroyers appear in the cloudy blue sky, quickly joined by the Star Destroyer Finalizer. INT. STAR DESTROYER FINALIZER - BRIDGE On board the bridge, CAPTAIN EDRISON PEAVEY of the Finalizer watches the Raddus in the distance, then turns to GENERAL ARMITAGE HUX.
21.04.2020 14:47
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PEAVEY: We've caught them in the middle of their evacuation. ARMITAGE HUX: I have my orders from Supreme Leader Snoke himself. This is where we snuff-out the resistance once and for all. Tell Captain Canady to prime his dreadnought. Incinerate their base, destroy their transports and obliterate their fleet. EXT. SPACE - DAY The enormous Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought known as the Fulminatrix, owned by CAPTAIN MODEN CANADY, pops from hyperspace and into the foreground from the far reaches of space. Two massive cannons slung beneath the ship's belly begin to lower and take aim. INT. STAR DESTROYER FINALIZER - BRIDGE PIT In the destroyer's bridge pit, a beautiful yet stern monitor eyes a red X shape on her radar screen, her surroundings lit red for ideal visibility during battlefield conditions. MONITOR: General, Resistance ship approaching. Launching shields in attack mode.
21.04.2020 14:47
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ARMITAGE HUX: (incredulous) A single light fighter? EXT. SPACE - DAY The X-wing ship faces off with the Fulminatrix. The tiny droid BB-8 occupies the tailseat with COMMANDER POE DAMERON up front. INT. X-WING SHIP - COCKPIT POE: Happy beeps here, buddy, come on. INT. RADDUS - CONTROL ROOM GENERAL LEIA ORGANA monitors him from the control room. POE: (over intercom) We've pulled crazier stunts than this. LEIA: Just for the record, Commander Dameron, I'm with the droid on this one. POE: (over intercom) Thank you for your support, General. INT. X-WING SHIP - COCKPIT
21.04.2020 14:48
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POE: Happy beeps. Attention! (flicks a switch) This is Commander Poe Dameron of the Republic fleet, I have an urgent communique for General Hux. INT. STAR DESTROYER FINALIZER - BRIDGE PIT LANK PAZE: Patch him through. ARMITAGE HUX: This is General Hux of the First Order. The Republic is no more. Your fleet are rebel scum and war criminals. Tell your precious princess there will be no terms... there will be no surrender. POE: (over intercom) Hi, I'm holding for General Hugs. HUX: This is Hux. You and your friends are doomed! We will wipe your filth from the galaxy. POE: (over intercom) OK, I'll hold. ARMITAGE HUX: Hello? POE: (over intercom) Hello? Yup. I'm still here. ARMITAGE HUX: (to Paze) Can you.... can he hear me? The officer LANK PAZE nods from the bridge pit. POE: (over intercom) Hugs? ARMITAGE HUX: He can. POE: (over intercom) With an 'H'. Skinny guy. Kinda pasty. ARMITAGE HUX: I can hear you. Can you hear me?
21.04.2020 14:48
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POE: (over intercom) Look, I can't hold forever. If you reach him.... tell him Leia has an urgent message for him. PEAVEY: I believe he's tooling with you, sir. POE: (over intercom) About his mother. ARMITAGE HUX: Open fire! INT. X-WING SHIP - COCKPIT Poe's ship's display is beeping rapidly. POE: BB-8, punch it! EXT. SPACE - DAY BB-8 beeps excitedly. As the X-wing's rear nozzles fire, it hurdles forward. The velocity causes BB-8's head to slip back from his round body. INT. STAR DESTROYER FINALIZAR - BRIDGE PEAVEY: He's going for the dreadnought. ARMITAGE HUX: Ha! He's insane. INT. X-WING SHIP - COCKPIT
21.04.2020 14:48
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POE: (grunts) Wa-hoo! That's got a kick. EXT. SPACE - DAY Poe's fighter soars atop of the Fulminatrix's hull, weaving and rolling throughout the aircraft's laserfire. INT. X-WING SHIP - COCKPIT Poe manages to fire the Fulminatrix's enemy cannons with fire of his own. INT. STAR DESTROYER FINALIZER - BRIDGE Hux watches with the grim expression. INT. X-WING SHIP - COCKPIT POE: All right, taking out the cannons now. Tallie, start your approach. TALLIE: (over intercom) Copy that. INT. DREADNOUGHT FULMINATRIX - BRIDGE Hux's hologram appears. ARMITAGE HUX: (into hologram) Captain Canady, why aren't you blasting that puny ship? CANADY: That 'puny ship' is too small and at too close range. We need to scramble our fighters! Five bloody minutes ago. GONERIL: He'll never penetrate our armor. CANADY: He's not trying to penetrate our armor. He's clearing out our surface cannons. INT. X-WING SHIP - COCKPIT
21.04.2020 14:49
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POE: There's one cannon left. And here comes the parade. EXT. SPACE - DAY A squadron of enemy TIE fighters swoops over in pursuit. BB-8 chirps nervously. INT. X-WING SHIP - COCKPIT POE: Yeah, yeah, I see 'em! EXT. SPACE - DAY As one of the TIE ships opens fire on Poe's X-wing ship's aft, sparks fly. INT. X-WING SHIP - COCKPIT Poe's ship's cockpit machinery are sparking. POE: No no. Dammit! BB-8, my weapon systems are down. We gotta take out that last cannon... or our bombers are toast. Make your magic work, buddy. EXT. X-WING SHIP - HOLD
21.04.2020 14:49
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BB-8 drops down to a socket to a cable-filled hold. His head hovers from his body as he searches the craft compartment. Appendages on his telescoping arm plug damaged panel sections, but more begin to spark as BB-8 chirps nervously. INT. STAR DESTROYER FULMINATRIX - BRIDGE PIT Canady paces aboard the Fulminatrix. CANADY: Are the auto cannons primed? GONERIL: Primed and ready, sir. CANADY: What are we waiting for? Fire on the base! EXT. SPACE - DAY The Fulminatrix's cannons unleash a barrage of laserfire. EXT. D'QAR - RESISTANCE BASE - RESISTANCE LIFEBOAT - COCKPIT KAYDEL KO CONNIX: Punch it! Connix's U-55 orbital loadlifter speeds to safety, narrowly avoiding the artillery blasts which strike D'Qar's surface. INT. RADDUS - CONTROL ROOM KAYDEN KO CONNIX: (over intercom) The last transport is in the air, the evacuation is complete. LEIA: You did it, Poe. Now get your squad back here so we can get out of this place.
21.04.2020 14:50
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POE: (over intercom) No, General... We can do this. We have... a chance to take down a dreadnought. EXT. SPACE - DAY Tailing Poe's X-wing ship through an antenna on the Fulminatrix's hull, one of the TIE fighters crashes and burns. INT. X-WING SHIP - COCKPIT POE: These things are fleet killers. We can't let it get away. LEIA: (over intercom) Disengage now... Commander, that is an order... Poe flips a switch on his cockpit's console and continues on. INT. RADDUS - CONTROL ROOM C-3PO the golden droid from Tatooine stands next to Leia LEIA: Wipe that nervous expression off your face, 3PO. C-3PO: Oh. Well, I'll certainly try, General. Nervous? INT. X-WING SHIP - COCKPIT A target lines up in Poe's cockpit's viewfinder. POE: Let's go, BB-8... It's now or never! EXT. X-WING SHIP - HOLD
21.04.2020 14:50
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BB-8 chirps as with inventiveness born of desperation, he has lowered the elevator he used to assume his station in the droid socket halfway, which requires that he erases three improper-operation alerts from the X-wing, and rolls into the cavity of the fuselage, as close to the short in the junction box as possible. His arm retracts into his body. Then, he uses the welding arm to swing the head out and down, like a man doffing his hat, shrieking. It smashes into the sparking junction box, primary photoreceptor swirling with electronic feedback. INT. X-WING SHIP - COCKPIT
21.04.2020 14:50
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Poe squeezes his weapon's trigger, destroying the last cannon on the Fulminatrix's hull. EXT. SPACE - DAY The X-wing zooms to the fiery cloud, then banks around. Two pursuing TIE fighters collide and explode, then BB-8 pops up, crackling with energy and exclaiming softly. INT. X-WING - COCKPIT POE: Yeeeaaahh-ho! All clear, bring the bombs! INT. STAR DESTROYER FULMINATRIX - BRIDGE BASCUS: Captain... Resistance bombers approaching. CANADY: Of course they are. EXT. SPACE - DAY
21.04.2020 14:51
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A squad of heavy bombers and A-wing ships known as Colbrat Squadron and Blue Squadron approaches the dreadnought, resembling World War II aeroplanes, with long virtual compartments extending from their fuselages like magazines from automatic rifles. LIEUTENANT TALLISSAN LINTRA the beautiful young blonde pilot hovers on board her blue A-wing ship. INT. A-WING SHIP - COCKPIT TALLIE: Bombers, keep that tight formation. Fighters, protect the bombers. It's not every day we get a shot at a dreadnought, so make this count. INT. COLBRAT HAMMER - COCKPIT FINCH DALLOW: Copy that, Blue Leader.
21.04.2020 14:51
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INT. HEAVY BOMBER - COCKPIT FINCH DALLOW: (over intercom) If you get us there, we'll give it to them. PILOT: (over intercom) Copy that. TEENE: Fighters incoming. A squad of First Order TIE fighters approach the squardon. INT. A-WING - COCKPIT TALLIE: Gunners, look alive. TIE fighters fire. PILOT 2: (over intercom) Subfighters at 2-10! INT. X-WING - COCKPIT PILOT 3: (over intercom) They're getting in! PILOT 2: (over intercom) Form up! JAYCRIS TUBBS: They are everywhere! I can't--! EXT. SPACE - DAY An X-wing ship with JAYCRIS TUBBS, its pilot, in it explodes into complete nothingness. INT. TALLIE'S SHIP - COCKPIT
21.04.2020 14:51
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PILOT 4; (over intercom) Here they come. PILOT 5: (over intercom) Incoming fighters. Form up. PILOT 6: (over intercom) Vector at attack speed. PILOT 5: (over intercom) Pull up! PILOT 7: (over intercom) Flank right. The squad comes onto heavy fire. PILOT 8: (over intercom) Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! We're going down! CANADY: Recharge the auto-cannons. Target their cruiser. POE: I see it. Tallie, they have targeted the fleet and begun the priming sequence. TALLIE: Copy that. We are almost there. Bombardiers.... begin your drop sequence. NIX JERD: I've got a visual on the target. We are approaching the point of attack. The bombs are armed. BASCUS: Auto cannons aimed. GONERIL: 40 seconds to full charge. CANADY: Destroy that last bomber!
21.04.2020 14:52
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POE: Paige, come in. We're over the target. Why aren't your bay doors open? You're the only bomber left. It's all down to you! PAIGE: Nix! POE: Paige! Drop the payload, now! FINCH DALLOW: Look out! PAIGE: No! TALLIE: Bombs away! RESISTANCE MONITOR: Direct hit! Dreadnought down! MONITOR: General, Supreme Leader Snoke... is making contact from the ship. ARMITAGE HUX: Excellent. I'll take it in my chambers. SNOKE: General Hux. ARMITAGE HUX: Ah, good. Supreme leade- SNOKE: My disappointment... in your performance can not be overstated.
21.04.2020 14:52
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ARMITAGE HUX: They can't get away, Supreme Leader. We have them tied on the end of a string. Back with the Resistance. Finn is in the med bay, sleeping. Suddenly, he shoots up. FINN: Rey! POE: Well done, pal. "Finn naked leaking bag"? What? Did you fry a chip? Finn! Hey, buddy. It's so good to see you. What? Let's uh... We need to get you dressed. Come on. You must have a thousand questions. FINN: Where is Rey? REY: Master Skywalker? Master Skywalker? I'm from the Resistance. Your sister Leia sent me. We need your help. Hello?
21.04.2020 14:52
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LUKE: Go away. Chewie, what are you doing here? REY: He said you're coming back with us. LUKE: How did you find me? REY: Long story we'll tell you in the Falcon. LUKE: Falcon? Wait. Where is Han? INT. THE SUPREMACY - SNOKE'S THRONE ROOM SNOKE: Tied to a string, indeed, General Hux. Well done. The Resistance will soon be in our grasp. ARMITAGE HUX: Thank you, Supreme Leader. SNOKE: you wonder why I keep a rabid cur in a such a place of power? The cur's weakness, properly manipulated... Can be a sharp tool. How's your wound? KYLO REN: It's nothing. SNOKE: Hmm. The mighty Kylo Ren. When I found you... I saw what all masters live to see. Raw, untamed power. And beyond that, something truly special. The potential of your bloodline. A new Vader. Now I fear... I was mistaken.
21.04.2020 14:53
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Kylo Ren looks up at Snoke. KYLO REN: I've given everything I have to you. To the dark side. SNOKE: Take that ridiculous thing off. Kylo Ren takes off his helmet/mask. SNOKE: Yes, there it is. You have too much of your father's heart in you, young Solo. KYLO REN: I killed Han Solo. When the moment came I didn't hesitate. SNOKE: And look at you, the deed split your spirit to the bone. You were unbalanced... Bested by a girl who had never held a lightsaber! You failed! In an angry state, Ren gets up. Snoke shoots lightning at him. SNOKE: Skywalker lives. The seed of the Jedi Order lives. As long as it does, hope lives in the galaxy. I thought you would be the one to snuff it out. Alas, you're no Vader. You're just a child in a mask. In the elevator, Kylo Ren lets out a breath. He then turns to his mask. He proceeds to bang it against the wall. He pauses, the camera zoomed in on his eyes. He proceeds with destroying his mask. The elevator opens, revealing two officers. KYLO REN: Pre
21.04.2020 14:53
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in: Star Wars transcripts, Movies, 2017 films Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi Edit Comments (2) Share watch 01:32 The Loop (TV) TheLastJediTheatricalPoster STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI Written and directed by Rian Johnson Based on characters created by George Lucas A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... STAR WARS EPISODE VIII THE LAST JEDI The FIRST ORDER reigns. Having decimated the peaceful Republic, Supreme Leader Snoke now deploys his merciless legions to seize military control of the galaxy. Only General Leia Organa's band of RESISTANCE fighters stand against the rising tyranny, certain that Jedi Master Luke Skywalker will return and restore a spark of hope to the fight. But the Resistance has been exposed. As the First Order speeds toward the rebel base, the brave heroes mount a desperate escape.... Pan across the star field to reveal D'Qar. A huge Resistance cruiser vessel called the Raddus, which is named after the Mon Calamari Admiral Raddus, him
21.04.2020 14:53
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uke looks back at Rey, and she seems relaxed that he didn't get hurt. LUKE: You are wasting your time. LUKE: Who are you? REY: I know this place. LUKE: Built a thousand generations ago... to keep these. The original Jedi texts. Just like me, they're the last of the Jedi religion. You've seen this place. You've seen this island. REY: Only in dreams. LUKE: Who are you? REY: The Resistance sent me. LUKE: They sent you? What is special about you? Where are you from? REY: Nowhere. LUKE: No ones from nowhere. REY: Jakku. LUKE: All right, that is pretty much nowhere. Why are you here, Rey, from nowhere? REY: The Resistance sent me. We need your help. The First Order has become unstoppable.
21.04.2020 14:53
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LUKE: Why are you here? REY: Something inside me has always been there Then now it's awake. And I'm afraid. I do not know what it is... or what to do with it. And I need help. LUKE: You need a teacher. I can't teach you. REY: Why not? I've seen your daily routine. You're not busy. LUKE: I will never train another generation of Jedi. I came to this island to die. It's time for the Jedi to end. REY: Why? Leia sent me here with hope. If she was wrong, she deserves to know why. We all do. With the Resistance, Leia is seen slapping Poe. LEIA: You're demoted. POE: What? Wait! We took down a dreadnought. LEIA: At what cost? POE: If you start an attack, you follow through.
21.04.2020 14:54
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LEIA: Poe, get your head out of your cockpit. There are things you can not solve... By jumping into an X-wing and blowing something up! I need you to learn that. POE: There were heroes on that mission. LEIA: Dead heroes, No leaders. FINN: We're really nowhere. How's Rey going to find us now? A cloaked binary beacon? LEIA: To light her way home. FINN: Alright, Well, until she comes back, what's the plan? LEIA: We need to find a new base. LARMA D'ACY: One with enough power to get a distress signal to our allies. scattered in the Outer Rim. ACKBAR: Proximity alert! RESISTANCE FEMALE SOLDIER: They found us. POE: That's impossible. It's Snoke's ship. You've gotta be kidding me. Can we jump to lightspeed? KAYDEL KO CONNIX: We have enough fuel for just one jump. POE: Do it. We have to get out of here. LEIA: Wait. They tracked us through lightspeed. FINN: That's impossible. LEIA: Yes. And they've done it. FINN: So if we jump to lightspeed... they'll just find us again, and we'll be out of fuel. They've got us. POE: N
21.04.2020 14:55
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POE: Not yet, they don't. Permission to jump in an X-wing and blow something up? LEIA: Permission granted. Admiral, spin us around! ACKBAR: Reverse. Rotate the shields! RESISTANCE MONITOR: To your stations! Move, move, move! KYLO REN: Follow my lead.
21.04.2020 14:55
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MALE ANNOUNCER: Green squadron to launch position. Clear the launch traffic. POE: Don't wait for me! Jump in and fire her up! MALE ANNOUNCER: Technicians, secure supplies for launch conditions. PILOT: Move! Move! FINN: Poe, are you alright? POE: We need to get outta range of those Star Destroyers. ACKBAR: We need to what? LEIA: Full engines ahead. Get out of range of the Star Destroyers and the fighters will fall back. ACKBAR: All craft, full engines! Concentrate rear shields. ARMITAGE HUX: Ren, the Resistance have pulled out of reach. We can't cover you at this distance. Return to the fleet. What is the point of all this if we can't blow up three tiny cruisers? PEAVEY: They are faster and lighter, sir. They can't lose us but they can keep at a range where our cannons are not effective against their shields.
21.04.2020 14:55
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RMITAGE HUX: Well, keep up the barrage. Let's at least remind them that we're still here. PEAVEY: Very good sir. ARMITAGE HUX: They won't last long burning fuel like this. It's just a matter of time. POE: Move! Outta the way, everybody! Make way! Make room! MEDIC DROID: Her vital signs are weak, but she is fighting. LUKE: Artoo? Artoo! Yes. Yes I know. Hey, it's a sacred island, watch the language. Old friend. I wish I could make you understand. But I'm not coming back.
21.04.2020 14:56
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Nothing can make me change my mind. LEIA IN HOLOGRAM: Years ago, you served my father in the Clone Wars. Now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the Empire. It hurts me not to be able to fulfill my father's request in person... LUKE: That was a cheap move. LEIA IN HOLOGRAM: But they are attacking my ship... and I fear that my mission to bring you to Alderaan failed. It is our most desperate hour. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. LUKE: Tomorrow at dawn. Three lessons. I will teach you the ways of the Jedi... and why they need to end.
21.04.2020 14:56
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LARMA D'ACY: General Organa... Leia... is unconscious but recovering. This is the only good news I have. Admiral Ackbar... all our leadership, they're gone. C-3PO: Oh, dear, oh, dear. LARMA D'ACY: Leia was the sole survivor on the bridge. If she were here, she'd say save your sorrow for after the fight. And to that end... The chain of command is clear as to who should take her place. Vice Admiral Holdo... of the cruiser Ninka. AMILYN HOLDO: Thank you, Commander. There are four hundred of us... on three ships. We're the very last of the Resistance But we're not alone. In every corner of the galaxy... the downtrodden and oppressed know our symbol... and they put their hope in it. We are the spark that will ignite the fire that will restore the Republic. That spark... this Resistance, must survive. That is our mission. Now, to your stations. And may the Force be with us.
21.04.2020 14:56
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POE: That's Admiral Holdo? Battle of Chyron Belt, Admiral Holdo? Not what I expected. Vice Admiral? Commander Dameron. With our current fuel consumption... there is a very limited amount time... That we will stay out of range of those Star Destroyers. AMILYN HOLDO: Very kind to make me aware. POE: Let's get me those fuel projections. And we need to shake them before we find a new base, so... What's our plan? AMILYN HOLDO: Our plan, captain? Not commander, right? Wasn't it Leia's last official act to demote you? Because of your dreadnought plan... Where we lost our entire bombing fleet? POE: "Captain." "Commander."
21.04.2020 14:56
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You can call me whatever you like. I just want to know what's going on. AMILYN HOLDO: Of course you do. I understand. I've dealt with plenty of trigger happy flyboys like you... You are impulsive. Dangerous. And the last thing we need right now. So stick to your post... and follow my orders. FEMALE P.A. ANNOUNCER: Turbo-lifts seven and eight disconnected for maintenance.
21.04.2020 14:57
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ROSE: What are you doing here? FINN: Hey, hi. Uh, I was... Uh, you know... ROSE: You are Finn! The Finn! FINN: The Finn? ROSE: Sorry... I work behind pipes all day. Doing talking with the Resistance heroes is not my forte. Doing... Doing talking, yeah... I'm Rose. FINN: Breathe. ROSE: OK. FINN: Yeah, look I'm not a Resistance hero, but... It was nice talking to you, Rose. May the Force be with you. ROSE: Wow. You too. Good. But you are a hero. You left the First Order-what you did on the Starkiller Base. When we heard about it, my sister Paige said... "Rose, that's a real hero." "Know right from wrong.... "and don't run away from when it gets hard," she said. You know... Just this morning, I had to stun... three people who were trying to jump ship.
21.04.2020 14:57
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In this escape pod. FINN: What? ROSE: They were running away. FINN: That's disgraceful. ROSE: I know. FINN: Anyway, uh... I gotta get back to what I was doing, so. ROSE: What were you doing? FINN: Just, just, uh checks. ROSE: Checking the escape pods. FINN: No, it's routine checks. ROSE: While boarding one... with a packed bag. FINN: Okay. Listen, I... I can't move. I can't move. ROSE: I know. FINN: What happened? ROSE: I'm taking you to the bridge and turning you in for desertion. FINN: I was not deserting. - I told you that... ROSE: My sister just died... protecting the fleet. And you were running away. FINN: I'm sorry. This fleet is doomed... If my friend comes back to it, she's doomed too. I've gotta get this... I've gotta get this beacon very far away from here, then she'll find me and be safe. ROSE: You're a selfish traitor. FINN: Look, we cannot outrun the First Order fleets. ROSE:
21.04.2020 14:57
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We can jump to light speed! FINN: Well they can track us through lightspeed. ROSE: They can track us through lightspeed? FINN: Yeah. They'll just show up 30 seconds later and we'll have blown a ton of fuel. Of which, by the way, we're dangerously short on. ROSE: They can track us through lightspeed. FINN: Yes. And they could... I can't feel my teeth. What did you shoot me with? ROSE: Active tracking. FINN: What now? ROSE: New hyperspace tracking... Hyperspace tracking is a new tactic but the principal must be the same as any active tracker. FINN: So they're just tracking us... ROSE: Only tracking us... FINN AND ROSE: From the lead ship. ROSE: But we can't get to the tracker. It is an A-class process they'll control from the main bridge.
21.04.2020 14:58
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FINN: Well, I mean, yes, but every A-class process... FINN AND ROSE: Has a dedicated power breaker. ROSE: But... Wait, but who knows where the breaker room is on the Star Destroyer? FINN: I'm the guy who used to mop it. If I can get us there.... ROSE: I can shut their tracker down. POE: Just give it to me one more time, but simpler. FINN: So the First Order's only tracking us from one Destroyer, the main one. POE: So we make blow that one up?
21.04.2020 14:58
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FINN: I like where you're heading, but no. They'd only start tracking us from another Destroyer. ROSE: But if we can.... FINN: If we sneak on board the lead Destroyer and disable the tracker without them realizing, then we can... ROSE: They won't realize if it's for one system cycle. About six minutes. FINN: Sneak on board. Disable the tracker Our fleet escapes before they even realize. POE: How did you two meet? ROSE: Just luck. POE: Yeah? Good luck? ROSE: Not sure yet. FINN: Poe, we've got to do this It will save the fleet and it'll save Rey. C-3PO: If I surely must be the voice of reason... Admiral Holdo will never agree to this plan.
21.04.2020 14:59
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POE: Yeah, you're right, 3PO. It's a need-to-know plan, and she doesn't. C-3PO: That was not exactly... POE: All right... You guys shut down that tracker. I'll be here to jump us to lightspeed. The question is... How do we sneak the two of you onto Snoke's destroyer? ROSE: We steal clearance codes. FINN: No, they are Bio-Hexaencripted and rescrambled every hour. We can't get through their security shields undetected. Nobody can.
21.04.2020 14:59
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MAZ: Could I do it? Of course I could do it. But I can't do it, I'm a little tied down right now. FINN: Maz? What is happening? MAZ: A union dispute, you do NOT want to hear about it. But, lucky for you... There's exactly one guy I trust that can crush that kind of security! He is a master codebreaker, an ace pilot... a poet with a blaster. C-3PO: Oh my. It seems that this codebreaker can practically do everything. MAZ: Oh yes, he can. You will find him with a red ploom flower on his lapel... rolling on a high stakes table... in the casino... on Canto Bight. POE: Canto Bight? - No, no. That's... Maz... Is there any way we can take care of this ourselves? MAZ: I'm sorry, kiddo. This is rarified cracking. If you want to get on that Destroyer, I know only one option. Find the master codebreaker.
21.04.2020 14:59
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KYLO REN: You'll bring Luke Skywalker to me. You're not doing this. The effort would kill you. Can you see my surroundings? REY: You are going to pay for what you did! KYLO REN: I can't see yours. Just you. So no. This is something else. Luke. LUKE: What's that about? REY: I was cleaning my blaster. It went off. LUKE: Let's get started. REY: Who were those things? LUKE: Caretakers. Island natives. They've kept up the Jedi structures since they've been built. REY: I don't think they like me. LUKE: I can't imagine why. REY: Master Skywalker, we need you to bring the Jedi back because Kylo Ren is strong with the dark side of the Force. Without the Jedi, we won't stand a chance against him.
21.04.2020 14:59
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LUKE: What do you know about the Force? REY: It's a power that Jedi have that lets them control people and make things float. LUKE: Impressive. Every word in that sentence was wrong. Lesson one, sit here, legs crossed. The Force is not a power you have. It's not about lifting rocks. It's the energy between all things, a tension, a balance, that binds the universe together. REY: OK. But what is it? LUKE: Close your eyes. Breathe. Now, reach out. REY: I feel something. LUKE: You feel it? REY: Yes, I feel it. LUKE: It's the Force. REY: Really?
21.04.2020 15:00
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LUKE: Wow, it must be really strong with you. REY: I've never felt anythi----OW! You meant reach out like.... I'll try again. LUKE: Breathe. Just breathe. Reach out with your feelings. What do you see? REY: The island. Life. Death and decay, that feeds new life. Warmth. Cold. Peace. Violence. LUKE: And between it all? REY: Balance. And energy. A Force. LUKE: And inside you? REY: Inside me the same Force. LUKE: And this is the lesson. That Force does not belong to the Jedi. To say that if the Jedi die, the light dies, is vanity. Can you feel that? REY: There's something else beneath the island. A place. A dark place. LUKE: Balance. Powerful light, powerful darkness.
21.04.2020 15:00
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REY: It's cold. It's calling me. LUKE: Resist it, Rey. Rey? Rey! You went straight to the dark. REY: That place was trying to show me something. LUKE: It offered you something you needed. And you didn't even try to stop yourself. REY: But I didn't see you. Nothing from you. You've closed yourself off from the Force. Of course you have. LUKE: I've seen this raw strength only once before, in Ben Solo. It didn't scare me enough then. It does now. AMILYN HOLDO: What was that? KAYDEL KO CONNIX: Nothing, Admiral. Passing debris. FINN: The fleet's only got 18 hours of fuel left. We gotta hurry. REY: Still can't reach the Resistance? Keep at it. If you get through, check their status. And ask about Finn. KYLO REN: Why is the Force connecting us? You and I.
21.04.2020 15:00
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REY: Murderous snake. You're too late. You lost. I found Skywalker. KYLO REN: Did he tell you what happened? The night I destroyed his temple, did he tell you why? REY: I know everything I need to know about you. KYLO REN: You do? Ah, you do. You have that look in your eyes. From the forest. When you called me a monster. REY: You are a monster. KYLO REN: Yes, I am.
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