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User LowCalorieSprite
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Registered: 19.04.2020
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21.04.2020 15:00
REY: Murderous snake. You're too late. You lost. I found Skywalker. KYLO REN: Did he tell you what happened? The night I destroyed his temple, did he tell you why? REY: I know everything I need to know about you. KYLO REN: You do? Ah, you do. You have that look in your eyes. From the forest. When you called me a monster. REY: You are a monster. KYLO REN: Yes, I am.
21.04.2020 15:00
REY: It's cold. It's calling me. LUKE: Resist it, Rey. Rey? Rey! You went straight to the dark. REY: That place was trying to show me something. LUKE: It offered you something you needed. And you didn't even try to stop yourself. REY: But I didn't see you. Nothing from you. You've closed yourself off from the Force. Of course you have. LUKE: I've seen this raw strength only once before, in Ben Solo. It didn't scare me enough then. It does now. AMILYN HOLDO: What was that? KAYDEL KO CONNIX: Nothing, Admiral. Passing debris. FINN: The fleet's only got 18 hours of fuel left. We gotta hurry. REY: Still can't reach the Resistance? Keep at it. If you get through, check their status. And ask about Finn. KYLO REN: Why is the Force connecting us? You and I.
21.04.2020 15:00
LUKE: Wow, it must be really strong with you. REY: I've never felt anythi----OW! You meant reach out like.... I'll try again. LUKE: Breathe. Just breathe. Reach out with your feelings. What do you see? REY: The island. Life. Death and decay, that feeds new life. Warmth. Cold. Peace. Violence. LUKE: And between it all? REY: Balance. And energy. A Force. LUKE: And inside you? REY: Inside me the same Force. LUKE: And this is the lesson. That Force does not belong to the Jedi. To say that if the Jedi die, the light dies, is vanity. Can you feel that? REY: There's something else beneath the island. A place. A dark place. LUKE: Balance. Powerful light, powerful darkness.
21.04.2020 14:59
LUKE: What do you know about the Force? REY: It's a power that Jedi have that lets them control people and make things float. LUKE: Impressive. Every word in that sentence was wrong. Lesson one, sit here, legs crossed. The Force is not a power you have. It's not about lifting rocks. It's the energy between all things, a tension, a balance, that binds the universe together. REY: OK. But what is it? LUKE: Close your eyes. Breathe. Now, reach out. REY: I feel something. LUKE: You feel it? REY: Yes, I feel it. LUKE: It's the Force. REY: Really?
21.04.2020 14:59
KYLO REN: You'll bring Luke Skywalker to me. You're not doing this. The effort would kill you. Can you see my surroundings? REY: You are going to pay for what you did! KYLO REN: I can't see yours. Just you. So no. This is something else. Luke. LUKE: What's that about? REY: I was cleaning my blaster. It went off. LUKE: Let's get started. REY: Who were those things? LUKE: Caretakers. Island natives. They've kept up the Jedi structures since they've been built. REY: I don't think they like me. LUKE: I can't imagine why. REY: Master Skywalker, we need you to bring the Jedi back because Kylo Ren is strong with the dark side of the Force. Without the Jedi, we won't stand a chance against him.
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4 years ago