Somthing serious


25.09.2020 21:49
LinkI just wanna thank all yall for being so accepting. Where I go to school kids are not like this and I like that I can be myself on here, in real life im a decently popular kid who makes straight A's, has lots of friends, and is on a drill team (same as being a cheerleader) but I cant be myself, this is like a diffrent side of me yall see, at school im just that dumb popular cheerleader girl, if i showed anyone there this or any of my art id immidletly be bullied and get called a furry. I was like that back im middle school i showed people my art, wore cat ears, (and didnt act dumb on purpous, but i mean dumb is better than crazy right.) and I got teased so much i i turned it around this year, im in a new school and people like me but this is why i came back here so I can actaully be myself somewhere. so once again, thank yall so much