<>Me Every Year. <>

~ Salvador Dali ~

when bae sends a cute selfie

I don't know if I should be-



rambling abaout wally


08.04.2023 11:26
Linknow if we're talkin bodyyyy u got a perfect 1 so put it on meeee swear it wont take 2 long

08.04.2023 11:32
Linkhes sooooooooooooooo....... hes so perfect.....hes so prettys and. and aaaandndnn i jst KNOW he'd be so fun to hang out with.. id love 2 hear about his paintings and any meaning behind them... i love his voice so much its so calming u have to understand his voice is so perfect andn hes so stylihs.. so handsom.. what i wouldnt do to hold his hand on a picnic in some field........... oaooohhh what i wouldnt do.. im still thinking about his voice.. its so hushed and comforting like!! i loove how he can sound intimidating but also hecan seem so gentle with his words.......... auuugghhh need him to sweet talkme while i fall asleep sooooooooo ****ing bad hes soo... hes sooooo find uuuugggghhh id love to play w his hair an drink coffee w him in the mornin.s..... and.aand. and . his eyes. theyre so pretty. soooprettys aooohhhhhs o prettys ....... so pretyys..

08.04.2023 11:34
Linkim ****ing exhausted but i cant sleep unless i shower.i need pwoerallmy power randry.... because im so sleepy..... using wally mental imahes to power myself up...trying my hardest... i love wally so much hes s o prettys an 4 what.......hesso ooooo pretyt.........he needs to dstop being so prety ok/??AND hes autistic. justlike me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! isnt that soawesome. its like we were made 2b..

08.04.2023 11:40
Linkok im going to showa..so then maybe if that doesnt wake me up MY EYES ARE SO BLOODSHOT HELP ME??? anyways. if the shower doesnt wake me up hopefully ill be able to sleep even though its light out.. if i cant sleep um!!! day 3 no sleep challenge??

08.04.2023 11:45
Linkthe way u can see all of my bones is insane.. ive also ahrdly eaten anything in the apst 2 days the most i can remember eating is uuuuuuuuhhhhhh........... dried peas, sunflower seeds, a ramen cup and one single broccoli..uurhm! if any1 sees this its not a cause for concern r. i dont have an eating disorder i just have problems with appetite sumtimes but also i tink being exhausted has affected that saoo... thats all Live lauhgh wally darling

how did u manage htat... if its like cramp-y i suggest using a heating pad or if u dont have one of those um... heat up rice or something honestly ive never taken care of my cramps i usually just lay there and complain becuase its easier. if its bone pain u should eat foods that support bone health. calcium..vitamin d.. milk.