- create flipbook animations online!
Please read it, its serious.
16.01.2021 14:41
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We just had Family Drama. I took my fathers Ipad, drew smthg on ibispaint.Im allowed to do that. My dad came home. He asked where his ipad is, bc we had some drama bc i took 2 times before. and staid awake at night drawing. So he came: " where is my Ipad" I was scared, hid the ipad bc he was really really angry. theen he screamed. I WLL NEVER TRUST U AGAIN, I KNOW U HAVE IT!!! Then ran away. My mum came to us to talk, i said her i have it, i was bored and wanted to drew smthg, bc in the last nights i was just nit tired and fell asleep at 4 in morning, but was really active in the day, bc i dont need much sleep. I gave my mum the ipad. In the next morniing my father drove earlier to work, and i saw the ipad broken lying there. The ipad is in the middle broke, and the display is broke. I started to cry as i heard my mum saying: "your father broke the ipad bc he wanted not to hurt you."
16.01.2021 18:44
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OMG! That is so harsh! I feel so bad for you! He could have not done that and instead just probably scolded you and took it away from you for a while! How could a dad make their child cry? Honestly, I am so sorry for you.
16.01.2021 19:23
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its ok, we are now all good, but well im not talkint o him.
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