/gen /genq


22.05.2023 07:25

22.05.2023 07:37
LinkWolf on fire????????

22.05.2023 07:40
LinkI think it’s wings of fire

if i remember correctly, there are 2 different main storylines in the series
both take place on different islands !! tho they may overlap at some point idk i never finished the series
for the first, main part of the series, the plot is abt 5 dragonets who have been told they r meant 2 fulfil a prophecy to save their island !!
uhm lmk if u need 2 know anything else cause i just sorta gave u the bare minimum

you or someone else took the account
then changed the pass
it stands for wings of fire
many people had shared the account and we made art and everything was fine
then when it was taken, all of our art was deleted
this account pains yet fufills me
reminds me of too many memories of good and bad
sorry for the rant

It stants for Wings of Fire.
Someone hacked this account and changed the password.
I still absolutely despise whoever did that.

Wings of fire is a book series by tui t sutherland, it's about a group of dragonets who were raised to fufil a prophecy. There's some twists and turns aalong the way, and there are different tribes such as the seawings, the nightwings, etc.
then, there's another storyline with three secluded tribes on another island, and there's a whole different storyline. lmk if i need to elaborate