For Devin


another random question

Regular Show

zexy strangecat

Pride from Sweet Sins

My Future
Lol imagine


29.06.2020 16:31
LinkCorey (or cat as she’s mostly called in this universe) is pretty much just a mechanic, that’s mostly all that’s known about her, she tends to keep herself a mystery to others, she’s pretty quiet and reserved, but loves cars and working and fixing anything that needs fixed, she’s pretty reserved and may come off as cold, but dosent mean to be, people don’t know where exactly she’s from, although she went to school in the town, she was never really seen to have parents or a home I rebooted her quite a bit cuz her past storyline was a tad messy, I also fixed her design a bit and made it not so eye bleeding or Mary Sue looking

29.06.2020 16:32
LinkIt’s been t e n m o n t h s
But improvement ig
Also mixing my style and edds was enjoyable, I took some parts from his style and some from mine, overall very fun to draw!