here's my reasons
04.08.2021 04:13
Linkthe reason why i am against getting rid of FA drama is because most of the drama isn't pointless like twitter's drama.
first of all, and my biggest point, i feel like discouraging drama is also discouraging calling out people who have done terrible things. like those who commit crimes like pedophilia and discrimination and more shit. drama is the only thing that gets these people's attention, it brings awareness to the situation. if we were to discourage drama, how are we meant to get these shitheads attention for the stuff they do?
04.08.2021 04:14
Linksecond, it's literally what makes flipanim enjoyable. without drama, flipanim is basically nothing. it's like a god damn tradition in some shit culture.
04.08.2021 04:16
Linklastly, third, coming back around to first point; all of the drama lately is about important things. no drama was really pointless.
in fact, drama literally brings awareness and attention to situations that shouldn't go ignored.
all right i'm done, yall, go home.