- create flipbook animations online!
decided to draw gore again
26.01.2022 10:50
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this is more of a mild version of what i wanted this character to look like. when i'm an expert on the human body, i'll draw his actual version. call it a creepypasta oc cause that's what he was originally gonna be. but instead of the usual killer characters, he's a bit different. he rarely "kills", he much rather scaring the shit out of people by taking ahold of their dreams. if he gets to you, you won't be the same person anymore. he's an undead spirit who haunts dreams and people's realities. the way that he does kill, is not by his own will. the people who he infects, it's their choice, not his. he makes people go insane with delusions and paranoia. if the people are deranged enough to a point, they are able to hurt others without remorse. this includes murder and other crimes. he makes people get locked up behind psych ward's bars. it's not his intention for them to really kill others, his true intentions is for his victims to take their own lives out of sanity. but he doesn't care.
26.01.2022 10:55
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he can make clones of himself, so he can haunt multiple people. as soon as his victims end up dying by themselves or other ways, he moves on to their closest relatives and the cycle goes on. at first, he manifests through dreams, but as time goes, he will soon break into reality. how does he get you? chance. it's random chance. there's no summoning ritual or anything, it's whether or not one of your friends or family get infected by him and then passed onto you. or just pure chance through depression or psychosis. this character was locked in a mental hospital back in the day, due to insanity and an obsession with blood and homicide which was fueled by the hospital. he soon ends his own life but still, with a taste of blood and revenge. it started with the doctor who tormented him the most, then it went down the family tree for generations. soon it spread to other people's family trees through friendships and relationships. underneath his shirt, is an exposed ribcage with its organs btw.
26.01.2022 10:56
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i was too lazy to draw the accurate version where his shirt is ripped up which reveals the ribcage.
26.01.2022 12:15
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oh, i didn't give yall his name. it's Harry Styles. lol just kidding. it's just Harry.
26.01.2022 19:17
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update: he's gonna be a gore oc that i will torture epically
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