Tell me if you agree


04.10.2024 21:56
LinkStop stop blocking people who haven’t done anything wrong. like if the person is doing something that is actually wrong then yeah that is a good thing to do but when you guys block me because I’m talking about your friends and like I’m saying things about them that are always true because I actually do research into the people that I’m talking about because they’re actual weirdos And then you guys just deny everything like it’s one thing to have a weird friend but it’s another to just defend everything that they’ve done makes no sense and if I do say something wrong or do something wrong then just tell me and I guess Ill apologize. It depends on what I said , cause I don’t think I’ve actually said anything wrong

04.10.2024 22:00
LinkAnd when you block someone for being annoying honestly, it depends if they’re just like spamming in your posts yeah that’s OK but if apparently to you what they’re saying is annoying because they have their own opinions then you’re the one that’s just being annoying. It’s like everyone can’t have an opinion on anything anymore because you guys on this site are the most, judgey people ever as long as the opinion doesn’t hurt anyone I don’t see the point

I get the frustration but also some people just get off on this shit, I mean I don’t bc I’ve only blocked people who genuinely get on my nerves/ I don’t wanna interact with for various reasons. I think people need to understand that people have all different types of humor like- some people are straight up assholes but they don’t mean anything by it- if you do your probably just really soft about it or just genuinely don’t take ANY BS (Which both are okay)
The random blocking bc of other ppl’s opinion on the person is just wild, ESPECIALLY when there’s HEEPS of evidence against them 😭 like wtfff