Nighty night
07.11.2020 10:27
LinkHey just wanted to reach out. I’m a bit worried about you. I know a couple bad things have happened recently. I’m young, not as young as you but still young. I worry about things. I have anxiety and depression and probably a whole lot of undiagnosed things (I only will mention anxiety and depression because I’ve been diagnosed with those for sure). You remind me of my sister. You like to draw and so does she, she talks about her mental problems just like you do. What I’ve found helpful while dealing with my depression is gaining back my self esteem. If my brain has thoughts that I should just give up, I pretend the thoughts are another person and I fight them, because no one can tell me when to die. People will be messed up in this world, but just realize there are still people who aren’t. At the young age of 10 I didn’t know myself, I had depression then as well. It doesn’t go away, but what also doesn’t go away is your pride and your life if you keep holding on. Find yourself, and hang onto that.
07.11.2020 10:30
LinkYeah, fighting depression doesn’t make it go away. But it’s better than just sitting down and letting it punch you in the face. I promise you there is so much more to life than you have experienced. Once you get out of the darkest part it doesn’t seem like it was so dark. Keep drawing and letting your drawings get better and inspire you and others. Discover who you want to be, and become an independent person who relies on themself and can control their own life. It’s so much better once you learn to deal with thoughts and doubts on a day by day basis instead of looking forward and wondering when the pain will stop.
07.11.2020 15:06
Linkcheck the do you hate me, I put a little message their and if you want to check my page for some stuff
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like bruh these are the reasons why this is kinda ur fault:
-U clicked on the doxxing link
>troll now knows ur location thanks to YOU.
-You kept on posting about them
>troll now knows what upsets you because of YOU
-You really cant leave them alone
>troll is now takind advantage of you
-Faking depression although ur literally sad
>more people will just not like u for guilt tripping
-you're upset over joke art
[thats p sad :/]
>troll now knows more ways to upset u
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Passage about sexual harassment:
Unwelcome Behavior is the critical word. Unwelcome does not mean "involuntary." A victim may consent or agree to certain conduct and actively participate in it even though it is offensive and objectionable. Therefore, sexual conduct is unwelcome whenever the person subjected to it considers it unwelcome. Whether the person in fact welcomed a request for a date, sex-oriented comment, or joke depends on all
Sexual harassment includes many things...
• Actual or attempted rape or sexual assault.
• Unwanted pressure for sexual favors.
• Unwanted deliberate touching, leaning over, cornering, or pinching.
• Unwanted sexual looks or gestures.
• Unwanted letters, telephone calls, or materials of a sexual nature.
Note: unwanted materials of sexual nature
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Yes, a person made porn of a ten year old and then when she asked for help she got blamed for it and still is. Porn directed at a child is okay in exactly zero circumstances. The problem I have is this person blaming it on her and telling her she is not allowed to be suicidal because she “is just sad, not depressed”. Have you gone through suicidal thoughts and depression? Because I have, like diagnosed, on paper non-disputable. It’s not fun. And her ‘looking for attention’ is exactly what people do, they look for help and attention to keep themselves from killing themself.
they are a troll
they did that for attention
they got their attention off of doing that
the live off of attention
simple solution: ignore the troll
and, if they have not gone to a doctors and been told directly that they do have depression
then i doubt they really have it,
self diagnosis is not accurate
plus, alot of young people act having mental illnesses to either:
>get attention off of people by pretending to be upset
> the see the fact they are sad means they have depression
going onto the internet is not really that helpful if you want or need help, talking to someone in real life is alot more effective than using the internet
actual words and actions are more effective, than pixel words.
Well like my experiences have been, the internet might be your only choice if you are at home. I don’t know how her family life but I turned to the internet at one point when I was suicidal.
Also, suicidal thoughts don’t need to be diagnosed. They are thoughts that might lead to something worse.
Also thanks for being more helpful than the other dude who went on her account and made a incorrect list of why it’s her fault.
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i understand your worry, i do understand that.
and i also know that, yes, talking to people in real life can be hard.
and i have been in that situation before, not to a suicidal point as i do not have any will power to do so, but i am going to be honest.
it does not have to be your parents you have to vent to, your friends can support you too.
ad to be honest it is easier to say "im upset" to your friends rather than your parents, at least from a persona experience.
i know that, if it is a last resort, then you can use the internet
but i,, wouldnt recommend it
some people on the internet can be arrogant to others emotions and go "go kill yourself then"
or something like that
its not like thats always going to happen, but it can make it worse if it does
"suicidal thoughts don’t need to be diagnosed"
i wasnt talking about suicidal thoughts, i am talking about more depression, anxiety, etc
Yes, I understand. Honestly thanks for being so rational. Just realize, it’s a 10 year old kid we are talking about here. Yes she could have done things better but we only know that because we are older. It’s not her fault at all. I just want her to know she is supported, that she is not being blamed, and that anything she could have done she probably did the best a 10 year old could.
As for the friends thing, yeah not everyone has friends, especially at her age during the pandemic her friends might not have phones and she might be doing online school or her friends might be doing online school. She did mention talking to a school counselor and her parents. Her venting online might just be because she is younger and has been taught different internet rules from you and I. I wouldn’t vent as heavily online right now as I was when I was younger.
i think if this site were to have mods, and they were to be active, then situations wouldn't happen
or would be alot rarer
but i see where you are coming from, and i support that
and yes, they are young and younger people are more likely to do more 'rational' things as they dont know as well as much as someone older
i was going to say something else but ive currently forgotten the point itself,,
I hope you feel better.
Thank you for looking out for her, and notify this. I should've figured it out sooner. And just when she and I were about to become friends too...