Leave her a positive comment!


07.11.2020 10:33
LinkFanart I made

you matter, your opinion is important just like you are. Don't listen to that person, and try avoiding their user name, and you should call the police because that is not safe. I know you are not that confident about yourself, but that is what I'm here for, a shoulder to cry on. I will try my best to help you in any way. If you don't want to live or think why I am alive, and you don't want to live for yourself. Live for other people cause the world needs people like you. You have a lot of supporters right in your corner us we are all here for you cause we love you. You are such a good person with an amazing heart, and you are amazing. I can tell you are a caring person and we can get through this together. I'm rooting for you and I will always be here when you need to talk. I will walk these stairs up and down even if you stumble a little, we will stumble together, and here comes a good quote" “everyone wants sunshine.No one wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little bit of rain.lysm

If anyone ever says anything that hurts you, turn around and walk away! They are just trying to be on top of you, (I dont mean it literally), and trying to be "more worth" than you! I hope you'll feel better soon ^^

Dear animatedqueens2020. We love you and I want you to succeed! Its hard out there and I was like but you know what I keep following my dream. You are creative, beautiful, smart & kind. Nobody is more special then you and **** those trollers out there ( Sorry if you don't allow swearing). We want you to stay and not quit. Your a more then a artist but a family member to FA. ;)

animatedqueens2020, please don't give up. You're an amazing and kind-hearted person. I'm sorry for what those jerks did, they're just jealous of you. Please hang in there. Your life is too precious for it to be taken away.

@animatedqueens2020 God comfort you in your times of trouble, Ignore all the hate and trolls that interfere in your life and remember: You will always shine even through this time you are going through.

@animatedqueens2020, you are very talented! Don't let the trolls get to you. You have to stay strong yes life is hard as it is but there will always be light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to keep going. And while you continue to keep going we'll be there every step of the way! But please don't give up!

Don't let the stupid messed up people control you! You are beautiful the way you are! Continue to draw, believe in yourself, and never give up! ADHD might be a bad thing but you can fight it! I'm sure you will win!

Fanart I made. WE LOVE YOU animatedqueens2020 we are all here for you I hope you have the best life you can, although life might seem dark once the darkness has left life is not so bad. Giving up is not the option you still have people who love you and would miss you if you're gone like us, just remember this whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you. There are people you can talk to and people who will understand, listen, and relate. I get messed with a lot but I know there is light at the end of the tunnel you will get through this block in your life, this bump in the road and it will make you a stronger person, here are some tips I use when life is too tough
1.take a BREAK it is ok to give yourself time
2.look at yourself in the mirror and remind yourself about the good things about yourself
3.talk to someone, don´t think that they don´t care because if they are taking time to listen then they do.
I am running out of space to write please promise me you won´t give up, we truly LOVE YO