Quitting FlipAnim??
01.02.2020 02:22
LinkHello. This anim may not be a surprise, but I need to say something before I disappear for like a month. No, I’m not permanently quitting. I will post whenever I feel like it. That can happen within a week, a month, or hell- even a year. I suppose I just don’t find this place as entertaining as I used to. In fact, I feel like quitting would make things a lot easier for me. Due to my large follower count I’ve been finding myself to count ever like or follow I get. And I hate it, I truly do. I don’t like comparing myself to things like that. So for now, please don’t expect me to post much at all anymore. There will be occasional animations, or occasional doodles. But nothing too regular.
None of you are the problem, trust me. I just don’t like this place much anymore, but I love the community. So just understand that you all are amazing, I just don’t think I belong here much anymore.
But if you do want to keep up with me and my art, I suggest you just check out these places of mine.
01.02.2020 02:22
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9fxFz1Am0nR3DPxUordsLg (Our Discord’s Youtube channel)
I require Vanilla Coke#8850 (My Discord tag)
Thank you all for your continuous support, I’ll see you all again sometime. Have a nice day/night.
22.03.2020 17:39
LinkTikTok: @LucyLovesSquids
it'll definitely be different without you
I did follow you on instagram though, so if you see someone called "temmoo.12" it's me
Dang. I’m gonna miss you.
Have a good time trying to survive *R e a l i t y.*
Let’s hope you return at least once ;)