

cinderella twirl


Zigzag the Grand Vizier 2

Home Depot pizza

Howdy - Gatito fantasma
hey uh


14.05.2020 05:26
Linkyou know what would be my perfect day? Im not asking or anything.
The most perfect day would be loved. Like, people inviting me to things, not being left out, people loving, not a day with my past or imperfections
i dont like talking about my past
or how i act
just one day to be accepted

14.05.2020 05:27
Linkit seems like the only time people actually pay attentions to me is when im sad

14.05.2020 05:29
Linksorry im being a selfish ***** right now

hgbivfeunverbrgudvjn can y'all stop saying how you relate to what they're saying- that's rude, apperently they ain't looking for how you feel on this-
You're not being selfish, you have every right to feel like that :/ either way you should feel excepted everyone should. You have all right to say how you feel, this is your account
You shouldn't have to feel like you have to tell or do something that makes you uncomfortable.