three finger salute
The Origins of the Potato
Here comes Flitter
Old thing that was for Luna
09.10.2023 04:52
Linkevery time i plan to do work at home we do something then i stress abt not having time to finish it i’ve asked my mom to help me so many times
i’m gonna kms omg how tf and i supposed to make a whole ass presentation rn and do a stop motion
09.10.2023 04:53
Linki hate this school sm it’s way harder than my old school plus i actually had friends there
here i just sit alone and talk to no one
09.10.2023 04:55
Linki’ve been stressing out to the point it’s effecting my physical health
i want to disappear from reality
i want to go to a mental hospital just so i can get away from school and my family
i need a break
09.10.2023 04:59
LinkARGRGRHHJKKSJJZMZOSKAN i m so tired all i wanna do is lay in my bed and sleep until i feel better
i’m not over my cousins death, and in my cousin group chat one of the said “And I gotta spend time with y’all cause what if it’s the last time I could see u guys” SHUT UP OMG IM GONNA CRY MY EYES OUT
09.10.2023 05:01
Link**** omg,, hhhhjdjxbxn i hate life sm if someone else dies idk if i’ll be able to talk it AGGHHAHHAJAHNm
09.10.2023 05:05
Linklollllooll today ppl came over i was fine the whole time once they left i feel like shit wtf is wrong w me i need to be around ppl that make me happy or else i feel sad
my family doesn’t help with that anymore, maybe sometimes but not rly
09.10.2023 05:09
Linkwhenever i don’t feel happy i feel sad there’s no in between i’m either happy, sad, or mad
i can’t be left alone w my thoughts they make me feel worse i need to be doing/paying attention something all the time sometimes it’s fine if i don’t other times i NEED to distract myself like rn
09.10.2023 05:11
Linki’m gonna go do something ig bye