Fanart thing for Devinception
My feet go boom boom boom
quick animation
Happy Thanksgiving!
strangecat has fleas
10.05.2022 00:31
Linkyeah yeah yeah, im back, blah-de blah-de blah, but then I actually dont, I just go away again. Hey, maybe now that my art style has gone from a 1/10 to a 2/10, I could actually stick here for awhile again.
10.05.2022 00:33
LinkOn a real note, its so bitter sweet going through my old account and looking at the cringe stuff I made, but at least younger me was happy. The reason I stop coming here is basic and and cliche in a way, passionate about other things, playing games, school, yada yada yada.
10.05.2022 00:36
LinkIm doin alright myself, working on other project and playin games as you do. Just wanted to say a lot of people here made my middle school years that much more enjoyable (so shout out to yall), despite almost everything I spewed out was low effort and cringe.