The Rant Chain
14.05.2021 05:33
Link-rant here-
14.05.2021 05:33
Linki hate someone so much WHY WHY WHY
14.05.2021 05:35
LinkIdek how to rant but I saw rant and Im guessing that means emotional screaming okay
I have a friend ove known for almost a year now and we hace literally gottwn hella close. But I still have trust issues prior to past friendships and im acrually panicking cause I literally do not want ro share anything about myself cause im scared hes gonna use it against me in the future mkay
14.05.2021 05:36
LinkWhen people say there fat
And the person says “your not fat :-(“
As if being fat is the worst thing-
You know how shitty overweight people must feel hearing crap like that everyday
14.05.2021 05:36
LinkI am so f**king pissed about nameless. WHY THE F**K WOULD HE DO THAT!?! I can't- he faked drama like one of the big-time trolls on FA.
He faked drama.
Oldest trick in the book.
I can't believe how he's acting
14.05.2021 05:38
LinkI wish i could take back the things i have said, thats all i want to say...
14.05.2021 05:38
LinkI was waking up for my breakfast, and my tenders with macaroni weren't there because I woke up late.
14.05.2021 05:40
LinkId forgive you
But honestly I cannot do much on that part.
Comment removed
14.05.2021 05:43
LinkWhen people don’t understand the severity of slurs and what it makes people who have been oppressed by that slur feel, when you say a slur- your not hurting just that one person, your saying to everyone “I do not respect this minority” it’s not “just words” no one should even make that excuse, because those same people are the ones who used to cry when people called them ugly in grade school
14.05.2021 05:43
LinkI don’t know why you have to treat me differently but like you do it anyways. It makes me upset.
It’s like you never trust who I hang out with and just want to get jealous of it. I really don’t want to hate you for it but please it does get annoying.
14.05.2021 05:44
Link@STF thank you, i should honestly just have never made any contriversal comments in the first place.. what did i expect would happen.
certainly not what did happen- i feel really bad because i lost a lot of people who I thought were friends to this dang drama...
*plays "Stressed Out" by twenty-one pilots*
14.05.2021 05:45
Linki forgive you too promagma
i mean you didnt do anything to me anyways
14.05.2021 05:46
LinkHonestly idk why people are so mad about R slurs
14.05.2021 05:46
LinkOh heres a different rant I want to say-
I hate it when a girl gives you attention and then gets with you only to break your heart by saying "we just went into the relationship too fast" -_- like.. Don't play with me like that
14.05.2021 05:52
LinkSometimes I think of suicide... it just would end it. I wave back and forth and back and forth
I also feel left out.
All my other irl bffs have crushes or gf/bfs.
I have nothing
14.05.2021 05:53
LinkWhat makes the r slur different from other’s? “Oh well because my families been saying it- and my friends say it so-“
so what- it’s still a slur- no argument- I used to say it but then I stopped, I get it if you didn’t understand what it meant before- but if you understand it’s a slur- and still use it- you lost my ****ing respect
14.05.2021 05:55
LinkThere is no- “i can’t stop-“ yes tf you can, you can find another ****ing word to insult people other than the one that targets people who have mental disabilities they cannot control- it’s a slur
end of ****ing story
14.05.2021 06:01
Linkkinda more of a vent but god damn i hate the feeling that everyone around me is going to go and leave me for other people just because i wasn’t good enough. it’s happened twice, why wouldn’t it again?
dont even really know. why i actually feel like it’s going to happen i just feel like im some sort of terrible person or friend and that’s why everybody goes else where????
kinda scary that i have been friends with people longer on the internet than real life.
maybe its the feeling im not good enough i dunno. something always in the back of my mind.
14.05.2021 06:05
Linki would say more but i would rather. not cry halfway on my walk to school hi ♥️
14.05.2021 06:13
LinkPeople should be in the right mental state before developing a romantic relationship with someone, understand that this person is going to be your partner, a part of you- someone who’s gonna spend the rest of there days with you, not no “two week relationship” you should think about your future with them, your going to spend more of your time with them- share resources with them, if you can’t handle that do not move forward,
Liking having debates is not a crime- I like to have arguments, not all arguments are a bad thing, like arguing about which animal is better- as long as both parties don’t turn the argument into something so serious it impacts the people’s relationship
Hisoka is ugly
14.05.2021 06:15
LinkThe worst realization, is realizing that your online friend could legitimately ghost you one day, and there’s nothing you can do about it, just 🧍
01.12.2021 14:51
LinkI wake up tired and hungry everyday. I go to school,go home and sleep. Everyday the same.
sometimes i hate sticking with other people’s opinions just to have my cool points still and not be cancelled
not gonna list anything though haha i will 100% be cancelled
If your relationships depend on you keeping opinion under wraps maybe those arn’t good relationships
Because if it’s something like political views, or what your favorite game is that’s just stupid
I’m extremely stubborn on my views on things and I couldn’t care less if you liked democrats more than republicans, at that point it’s just tastes and it wouldn’t really affect anyone-