part 1
Lucky Star
Random Fanart
Quick Doodle (1 Hr)
upgraded and fixed animation!
context in comments
07.05.2022 01:44
Linknot sure how many times i've said this, but
07.05.2022 01:45
Linki honestly really hate this website. But at the same time, i dont? idk. I keep crawling back to it after 3 weeks and honestly it's pretty pathetic
07.05.2022 01:50
Linki've been looking for a better art website or program that can just... provide more. like tools and stuff. And not being online. I want to leave, and i'm really considering blocking this website on my computer so i CAN'T access it anymore. It's annoying and gross how toxic it is here, and every time i browse the "recent" anims section, there's always something inappropriate or whatever. I might legitimately come back for FA 2, but I wouldn't count on it. Anyway, later! -I.P.
07.05.2022 01:51
Linkoh, and if someone could recommend any art websites or programs, that'd be swell!