
WoAh FaLlOuT yes this is done

Me as a plush!


Citrus || Proper Eating

Prize for PurpleOne

The return “ MapleShade map!


14.11.2019 18:07
LinkLemme type!

14.11.2019 18:07

14.11.2019 18:08
LinkI will make the designs after the lyrics for this map

14.11.2019 18:08

14.11.2019 18:16
LinkIntro [MY PART ]
MapleShade crying over her kits and then the screen turns pitch black.
1. [ MapleShade looks at AppleDusk, She walks towards him and lipsyncing “ I missed you. “ ]
Oh Hi, it's me again
I missed you
2. [ AppleDusk backs away, MapleShade sits down and licks the blood off of her paw. And winks at him ]
You remember me, right?
I'm not only there at night
3. [ MapleShade looks at him with baby eyes, her eyebrows looking a bit sad-ish?? lipsyncing “ A dreamy circus “ ]
You see a little nervous
In your head it's like a dreamy circus
4. [ She walks around him in circles, and holds his chin up and smiles creepily, ear twitching, AppleDusk looks scared. ]
I will run to find to show
Not only where did of you can wish of
5. [ MapleShade pushes him onto the ground and the screen goes black ].
I’m back, move!

14.11.2019 18:20
Link6. [ She takes out her claws and stares into his eyes, he looks very scared but gets into attack position. ]
I control you just as in game
But don't try to fight me back
7. [ He clawed her but not a scar or scratch appeared on her, so she grinned and the screen goes black again ]
You can't break me, try it?
And you shall sleep
8. [ she screams into his ear, he wakes up ]
I'm back, move!

14.11.2019 18:21
LinkI think the ‘ move ‘ parts of the lyrics meant to be ‘ BOO ‘

14.11.2019 18:22
Linkits bio lmao

14.11.2019 18:22
Link* boo

14.11.2019 18:23
LinkAlso don’t make the map parts rn until I do the designs

14.11.2019 18:23
Linkgod google lyrics why can’t u listen propaly

14.11.2019 18:28
Link9. [ His ears went down and backed away more, he wanted to call his mate, he looked super scared, staring into her eyes. ]
You are under bed, I would swear
You are pretty scared
10. [ She grabs his arm and lifts her paw up into the sky, he looks up and the sky turned into night. She looked at him, creepily again. ]
It is like a magic show, a darker flow
I won't let you go
I'm here!
11. [ He tried to escape but she was too strong, he was sweating and he turned his head to MapleShade, he looked creeped out because her face was glitching. ]
I control you just as in game
But don't try to fight me back
12. [ She pushed him onto the ground, grinning, she took out her claws, lifted her paw up. ]
You can't break me, try it?
And you shall sleep
13. [ She kills him, blood splatted onto her face and it zoomed into her face. ]
I'm back, move!

14.11.2019 18:29
LinkOk now gotta do designs h

14.11.2019 18:39
LinkDue date: When all parts are done :)

14.11.2019 18:43
LinkDesign #1

14.11.2019 18:57
LinkDesign #2

14.11.2019 20:18
LinkI’m putting all map parts here in order

14.11.2019 20:19

She's looking at my soul
Wanna know smth
Im gonna take a part and animate one
On phone
Only for u
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