b r i c k c h a i r
another random question
- Sochuri's Flight -
Oi, this was fast!!! O.O
21.06.2021 19:27
LinkSo this is probably the fourth time I have tried to reach out to you about some issues with the website, first of all, the "register" button. I understand you did this to prevent alternate accounts, but it has also prevented any new artists from joining, you need to realize that most people dont use facebook anymore.. please put the original register back
For the next thing, the captcha does not let animations over about 70 frames to upload, the upload time takes so long that the captcha expires by the time the animation is done uploading.
Please look into these things please and thank you!!
Also thank you for making this website, its litterally the best!
21.06.2021 19:28
LinkIf anyone has anything to add (that has to do with any issues) please state them here
If its not important i will delete your comment, thanks
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21.06.2021 21:50
LinkActually, I was able to upload an animation that was 75 frames long
But there is a large problem with that. In the uploaded animation, some frames were literally removed. You just couldn’t not see it in the animation
So, fa, if you do end up seeing this, please fix that issue ^^
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22.06.2021 01:05
LinkPlease put anything related to issues on flipanim, don't put ideas and suggestions that aren't related to that.
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22.06.2021 02:33
LinkAlso pls fix the popular page
22.06.2021 05:18
Linkyeh theres that thing that if you have many long frames and few short frames, the short frames will be removed after uploading. they still exist if you watch the gif instead tho. how i work around it is that i dont use long frames, instead just copypaste the short frame multiple times, but thats where the captcha timeout comes in...
22.06.2021 13:59
LinkThe captcha is quite short-lasting. On my mobile device (this may just be me) any animation over 20 frames expires.
22.06.2021 14:59
LinkYeah the recaptcha expires the longer it has already been done, so the longer the anime is the higher the chance is of it expiring. And anims over 55 frames (for me) is a guaranteed chance of it expiring.
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23.06.2021 08:03
LinkYeah fa needs to fix the recaptcha because I can't upload anim s with more than 27 frames 😞😓😞😓
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23.06.2021 14:08
LinkI was able to upload an animation over 60 frames tho?
23.06.2021 18:50
Linksoooooooo..... i made this picture originally as an animation.
It was like 85 frames long and it was really good.
But Guess what?
24.06.2021 01:51
Linksometimes i make a really long animation, and i do captcha and wait for 2 billion hours to upload, and after that it just says captcha unavalible and i need to do it again and its soooooooo annoying
24.06.2021 07:08
LinkI still have an issue with Flipanim- whenever I post somethign the speed goes faster or slower, pls fa change the speeds back !
24.06.2021 20:20
LinkMy friend is trying to join, but he cant because of the facebook captcha, i might aswell make an account with facebook captcha :(
30.06.2021 06:38
LinkFor a anybody know what happens to the anonymous anims? My little brother wants to animate, but he has no fb account to be able to register, so he made his anims as anonymous. Although, when he went back to look at them, we couldn’t find his anims anywhere on the site, they didn’t even pop up in Google searches. We searched by the title and by his author name, and we even checked the recent anims list and it just didn’t pop up anywhere. I can’t find any of my old anonymous anims either. Do all the non-popular anims get deleted now, is it a bug, or was it something mentioned in an update that I missed?
01.07.2021 21:42
LinkThis is true its an issue!
04.07.2021 10:58
Linkyeah, in 2019 I made a few animations without an account, and i cant find them anywhere
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on the topivc of the register button, when u register via facebook n get signed out its impossible 2 sign back in
t h a n k y o u
and he rlly needs to add more tools, specially a flip and stretch tool. it saves time when drawing ^^
I don't get the point of the captcha expire mint
Its no offence really annoying
I tried uploading something that took me a while and I had to delete it cause of the frame expermint
Please get rid of it or make it longer
Thanks fa
its so depressing seeing flipanim die bc of the register button. Its always hard to tell if its dead hours, or the site is just dying.
What about the research?
When I try to find a account and spell their whole entire name it sometimes says "Not Found" when they exist!
i Really Want To Make Another Account For Other Stuff But It Doesnt Work Because Im Not Some Adult Using Facebook :( I Really Suggest FlipAnim Taking The Register Button Back To The Past.
i think he's just making a new verification system to stop people from making so many troll accounts [even though, they could make throwaway emails anyway]. he knows the main way to get on is gone, he would of had to get rid of it himself.
he wouldn't of taken it away forever, otherwise he would of said he was like with the old editor. i'd assume its temporary.
no??? not at all????
coding takes time, and as a project that he'd probably work on sometimes when he's not at work three months is literally nothing? guy has a life, and i think he'd rather live that rather than work on this site.
not to mention, he may be recoding the register tab, coding something so the verification can be sent, setting up a bot that both gives you a code and/or link to verify yourself and also code to,, y'know. verify you.
surprisingly! coding is hard work!! it's not like scratch, it all comes down to how well you can get it to run and how quickly whatever you want to happen, happen.
it's not something you can make in a few weeks unless you cut corners which can be harmful in the long run <3
and also the fact he has no one working on this project along side him. it's just him.
yeah i know, I've been in a coding class, but im not saying he should implement a new register button now, im suggesting that he puts the old one back at least until he makes a new one (this would literally take minutes because he already has the code for it stored in the website), it makes no sense restricting any new members from the website.. honestly hes killing his own website if he keeps it how it is
(I'm not here to start drama)
The damn password thing. It needs to be an email verification or something rather than just having access to the account because as I have no realised if a hacker gets into your account they can just change your password with the click of a button locking you out forever.
Yes, I totally agree with the registration process. It is no good for anybody I am well aware fa is trying to keep trolls out but this is just not it. The only thing fa is doing is preventing new Creative artists/animatiors onto this website. With trolls we have absolutely nothing to loose, but with new content creators we have absolutely everything to loose. I mean we can revive this website if fa wasn't so stubborn about the registration process..
No no okay literally none of that matters but please for the love of god can we acknowledge the fact that I haven't been able to draw on FA for over two months because of the like input?? Lag? That beta editor has that the original didn't but now there is no old editor so I can never ****ing draw without spending literal hours longer than I need to trying to make a curved line.
f i x t h e r e g i s t e r b u t t o n f l i p a n i m
really people want to get on like my friends
they cant make an account
also just something i want for the beta editor
blending tool
i like space and if i want to do a purple pattern i cant make it look good
My friend wants to join FA, but every time they make an account, they always get kicked out of nowhere. And when I tried to make an alt account, there was no password needed for signing in with Facebook, but when I logged out and tried to log back in it asked for a password, so I had to abandon the account. Can you please fix this FA?
I FOUND THIS OUT PLEASE SEE THIS ITS IMPORTANT!!! to overcome the frame limit upload on a PC. I use my school Chromebook and the mas is like 80, but recently I've been making 90-120 frame animations and I am able to post it if I upload it on my PC. I gmail myself the file, download it on the PC and upload