Tycoon Has Awoken...
The Wholesome Disease
There is hope.. right..?
what is elemtary school
16.04.2021 19:16
Linkimagine having germna school system
No for me at least- preschool is one year then you are in kindergarten which is considered your first year of elementary, then you are in 1st all the eay up to 5th and after that you get to go into middle school which for me is 2 years and when you are in 7th grade to 8th grade you are in junior high, and after that you are in high school up to grade 12 :]
we have three groups. The "Unterstufe" 5th, 6th, 7th are in there. When you are in 8th, 9th or 10th then you are in the "Mittelstufe" And you have to choose a "Zweig" in 8th. You choose ecenomy or spain. In other schools you can choose music and art too. But when you are in 11th, 12th or the now cause of us existing 13th grade, you have totally other classes and dont even like- a normal day-
the reason the 13th exist is because we are like the pupils that "change everything" The school books get made new for us and like-
spain without the s